Link to the study: [](

Hey, we are a group of psychology students from germany and we would like to see how our perception of the prefered sexual behaviour (dominant/submissiv) of others is influenced by our attraction to them, our sexual interest in the person and our own prefered sexual behaviour.

What do we want from you? In our study we are going to present you with about 11 faces and need you to answer some questions for each of them. The whole thing can take about 6-10 min.

We do NOT collect any personal data and the images themselves are SFW, but the general topic requires it for you to be at least 18 years old.

Thanks in advance for your time!

**Academic research post approved by**[ **r/sex**]( **moderators 12082022-19zce5**

  1. A little feedback:

    Of the bottom four questions, 1 and 3 were kind of unclear in how they related to each other.


    >1. The person would tend to take on the more passive role during sexual activity


    >3. The person is the passive one in our sexual relationship

    If question 3 means “The person is the passive one in our relationship outside of sexual activities”, that might be a clearer way to word it.


    Also, for the three “would to be interested in physical activity” questions, you might want to specify whether we’re answering as ourselves or as our idea of a general consensus. You specify to answer the first question regardless of our sexual attraction to the person but don’t specify for the next three. It’d have just been nice to know that you were fine with straight people answering 0 for those three questions on half of the pictures or not.

  2. As a straight dude, what am I supposed to awnser for all the guys in the study?
    Else it seems kinda cool

  3. A little feedback. You might want to take into consideration the sexual orientation of your participants. As a straight male (which I’m assuming the majority of Redditors are) I have no interest in kissing, fooling around, or engaging in sex with any of the men presented. I can still rate how attractive I think they are but I think it is kinda skewed due to sexual orientation.

  4. I did it and it’s interesting I don’t really like dom/sub dynamics at all I’d prefer it equal without power exchange just more vanilla and romantic ig

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