I know that depending on the food you eat the taste of it will change, but I’m wondering if there’s like a graph for different food items that could tell you which food makes semen taste that way the most. For example, something like pineapple is near the top of the graph because it has a sweet taste, while pizza is near the bottom because it’s salty. Or something like that, I don’t know the different taste varieties.

  1. Yea pineapple and mango helped me out a lot. My fwb was giving me oral to finish me off like 75% of the time so I decided to eat lots of fresh pineapple almost everyday since I use to work at Costco and they had tons of them for cheap. I even would buy them before I start and bring a knife so on my lunch I would eat like a good 6 to 10 pieces. I’d cut them in inch x inch pieces. One night I went to her work after not seeing her for a few days and I had eaten a good 2 whole pineapples total. She got in my car on her lunch and we went to a parking lot close by where it’s very empty, she sucked me off and told me my cum tasted so good, tbh that was one of the hottest things she has ever said to me, after sucking it out she looked up at me in the eyes and dam I was ready for more lol. But anyways just know you have to not masterbate until while doing this or it can go away. Also know if you eat a lot of fast food and drink coffee and drink a lot of alcohol at times this won’t have a huge effect. So keep that in mind. If you eat those constantly pineapple won’t help that much.

  2. Hey no problem. Also note that at that specific time I was in great shape and working out a lot. Diet really comes into place here also. I was eating very healthy but made sure to eat a lot of fruits. Also know that some woman will not do that for their own reasons. It is ok to ask so you know yourself. I use to eat a lot more pineapple due to that but since I’m currently working on myself I haven’t had a fwb or gf in maybe 6 months now. But yes I’d say pineapple worked the best for me.

  3. It’s not as simple as “this is sweet so it’s good for taste and this is salty so it’s bad for taste” and usually there aren’t specific foods that people can point to and say that is has a very specific effect. Pineapple is one because of the specific mix of sweetness and acidity.

    I think it’s easier to just work out, eat healthy and try to get most of your sugars naturally. I’ve always gotten a ton of compliments and I don’t go around making it a point to eat pineapples or drink pineapple juice.

  4. > What foods change the taste of semen?

    None, that is a myth.

    The composition of semen is pretty closely regulated; it has to be, to keep the spermatozoa alive.

    A lot of foods change the composition of your _sweat_, so that might have some effect on your partner’s perception, but not as much, I am willing to wager, as the placebo effect.

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