I was on our third date and we were at the very end where he was walking me to my car at the end of his very long corridor of a hallway out of his apartment building. I was wearing 6-7 inch heels, and I ended up falling like one of those runway models that look like they’re breaking their ankles falling, gruesomely. I fell on my a\*\* then on my back, face looking up at the ceiling. He grabbed my arm and and helped me up but omg I am so embarrassed.

We each had like 3-4 beers but still. Is this horrible? if you were a guy would you seriously judge a woman for doing that and it would be a dealbreaker?

  1. So u fell?
    I can’t speak for others. But personally I have never in my life ever heard of or experienced myself as a guy where a guy is less attracted to a woman because she fell. I def might get a chuckle at it for wearing some insane heels lol. But nah the dialogue of “man I meet this great woman who is a dime and wifey material but then she tripped and fell and I lost all attraction” has prob never happened.

  2. What? Why would he care lol, if anything it’s just funny for a couple minutes or he might be teasing you about it but that’s literally it

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