Not sure if I can post a link here, I’ll post it in the comments just in case. It’s a photo of fordyce spots in the mouth, i have them on my dick (see the second picture in the whole article, that’s what they look like).

They started developing around a few months ago. I eventually saw a derm and he told me that they’re harmless and i shouldn’t get rid of them, plus the only way to get rid of them is through getting snipped. (they’re on my foreskin mostly).

Im planning on getting that done next year because they gross me out, im sorry. Ik they’re harmless and dont mean anything but personally i cannot stand seeing them. I also have been afraid of what people might think if they saw them. For any guys out there that have these, have they impacted your sex life in any way? Has anyone said anything? Idk it’s been really messing with me. Thanks.

  1. Not a guy, but if it makes you feel any better, I didn’t know my ex had them until I read this post and found out it even exists. I honestly wouldn’t worry about it having an impact on your sex life. Genitals are just weird in general and I doubt anyone will notice or care.

  2. Some doctors may be reluctant to remove them if they are harmless but if you go to enough you will find one willing to remove them.

    Expect to spend a few weeks at a minimum of no sexual contact including no masturbation to allow skin to heal. So keep in mind that’s what you would have to deal with.

    And they might come back or you could learn to accept them.

    I have black marks on my penis from an injury when a partner assaulted me. So since I don’t want a woman to freak out during oral and think I have some STI or something.

    I started telling women ahead of time letting them inspect me. The marks used to bother me but now I don’t care one bit.

    Showing them to a partner and dealing with the issue is why I don’t care at all about it.

    Because I got used to dealing with it constructively with a partner.

    Just some food for thought we are often our own harshest critic

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