What was the most money you won in a lottery?

  1. $20 and I don’t even want to think about how much cash I’ve thrown at that thing – can’t win if you don’t play.

  2. Not me, but my uncle won about 1.6 million usd after taxes in Connecticut a few years ago. Unfortunately, he’s an absolute degen and all of that money is pretty much done and dusted

  3. $12. I bought a $15 chargrilled steak on the way home which was excellent so I’m calling it good.

  4. I’ve never won anything like that. i’m not only a man short on luck, but i think is solid stupidity to use money buying lottery tickets, so i never do it.

  5. I won $500 on a $5 scratcher. I’ve definitely spent more than that buying them over the years though.

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