I’m going out with this guy lately, I really like him and we’ve been on 3 dates so far. I barely had my first kiss last December when I was still 18 and now I really want to kiss this guy. He texts me and I text him and I don’t want him to lose interest. We haven’t even held hands yet, I want to initiate all these romantic things like our first kiss, holding hands, making out, cuddling- but I genuinely have no clue. So I’m asking for advice here.

I grew up ugly so now I’m really unfamiliar with the dating world.

He’s genuinely kind and handsome and I wish he would just take the first move and kiss me. All we really do over text is banter and flirt and we can literally talk for hours. We haven’t called over the phone yet but I don’t when that’s an appropriate option. He has his own place so sometimes I just want to hangout but we’ve only been on 3 dates so that’s kinda weird.

So I’m asking how I can be more approachable in this new ‘relationship’?

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