I’ll try and make this as short as possible.

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years now. For the most part we get along well, we moved in together about a year ago and I’ve just finished studying ( he works full time).

We do share common interests, being outdoors, movies, rock climbing. Additionally, we’re also happy to spend time by ourselves doing our own things.

He’s a really nice guy, a little quirky but I like that, and and we have some really good times together.

However, they have been some points of contention, mainly due to his lack of social skills and empathy. I’ve spoken to him about both of these and whilst I’m happy to accept that he’s just not great socially (quiet, difficult to talk to etc), the empathy thing I do struggle with I myself am a very empathetic person.

For example, The other day we were talking about a hypothetical if one of us got sick, would you stay and look after them? I answered with an unconditional yes of course, however he said that he was conditional and it would depend how sick I was and for how long.
Additionally, sometimes he has a short fuse and can even be a little rude and blunt to strangers. For example, I get annoyed when people walk slowly or stop suddenly whilst in a walkway in public, however, he will actually say something to them. There is apparently an old couple that stopped suddenly in front of him while boarding a plane to talk about something, rather passively aggressively said ” what a strange place to stop”. He has also been short and passive aggressive with servers before if things take a long time or there’s a problem with whatever we’ve ordered, etc.
Whilst I understand the frustration, I’m a person that will always aim to be as kind to others as possible, and that’s something that I find very attractive in another person (kindness).

It’s things like that that have made me question things a little bit, but it wasn’t until this afternoon when I go a call from my sister and I found out that my parents had been discussing my relationship that I felt pressure externally as well. Basically my parents were worried that my partner was going to propose soon, especially because we have a trip booked early next year. And they think that I can “do better”. When I asked what this meant, basically it was that they didn’t dislike him so much, but thought that in certain areas we were incompatible, that he didn’t make a lot of effort with my family or getting to know them, and they were worried about the lack of empathy as well (for example leaving me/ divorcing me if anything ever happened that stopped us doing our main hobbies together). His father did separate from his mother about 2 years ago for a similar reason and is now dating a much younger woman. I think perhaps this is what they are worried about in the future for us.

I just don’t know what to do, I’m not unhappy, I’m comfortable, and the thought of breaking up with him literally feels like I’m ripping my heart out. However, there are parts of what they are saying where I can see where they are coming from, and things that he said/ done that occasionally make me question this myself.

I’m terrified that I would regret it if I did break up with him, equally, I’m terrified that I would end up middle-aged and divorce if I did marry him.

Thoughts please?

  1. The lack of compassion would be a dealbreaker for me but if it’s not for you then don’t worry about it. Divorce can happen for whatever reason just like a breakup. It might happen, it might not. As long as you’re happy with your situation then live your life. If one day you’re not happy, make changes. Don’t feel pressured to do something you’re not ready for

  2. Is there any chance he has mild autism or is neurodivergent? Quirky, lack of empathy, blunt/rude/lack of social skills… It wouldn’t excuse his actions but it might provide an explanation

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