Tldr; I’ve went from private school to state college and she hates that even though it’s a good college

I’ve never been a “private school girl” I hated private school. People looked down on everyone and everything and it was basically a bunch of spoilt rich kids.

I’d been at the same school since I was 8 and as it got older it got worse. Like it was just being on a different wavelength to everyone else and u thought there was something wrong with me.

As soon as I’ve went to college I’ve made so many friends and people are so much more fun and into the same things as me. Nothing like private school. My entire personality has gotten more confident and I love it at college.

My mum is unhappy and looking down on college criticising it and making fun of the way I speak. She’s literally told me that my grandparents will be upset because I’ve “lost my lovely voice after going to college”. Like wtf.

She also hates that I’m going to leeds fest with my friends and is trying to stop me from going, making fun of my makeup and all sorts. It’s awful.

I just don’t know what to do she put so much pressure on me to go to 6th form and I refused and went to college instead. She then uses the excuse of all that money she spent on private school for everything but I never asked for that. I hated it there and wish she never sent me there in the first place. Especially as like listening to people at college makes me so jealous of how happy and sociable their towns are like we live in the countryside with no other kids near by and I’ve had to be driven everywhere it’s awful. My mum hates where the college is and she always criticised it and is like “imagine living there”. I’m just sick of this and don’t know what to do. I just want freedom.

  1. Your mom probably isn’t the sort of person you want to grow into. I’d keep having fun and learning about different types of people in college, then become your own person.

    If she makes you feel guilty for everything, try setting healthy boundaries and maintain them for your own peace of mind. My mom does that same and as a result, I moved far away and speak to her once every few weeks and now call her out every time she tries to make me feel bad.

  2. Well, it’s mostly likely only two years if you plan to go to uni… So just tell her to accept it and hopefully she’ll be over it in no time.

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