I used to like watching porn (like once a week) until I met my boyfriend. Now I can’t even enjoy watching it because all I can think about is that he’s probably done those same things with his exes. It sends me over the edge and then I don’t even want to have sex with him either.

  1. You need to get over thinking that you’re the only one who could ever do anything sexually with him. You’ve both had lives before meeting each other. What matters is you’re with each other now.

  2. I look at a partner’s past experiences as a gift of talents that she can use on me. I’m grateful for all the things that she learned before we met. And I’m glad she got her ho phase out of system so that I don’t have to worry about her needing it now. It’s all to the good from my perspective.

  3. I want to say this kindly, but what you’re describing are possessive qualities that are inherently unattractive to most people.

    As you go off into the world, and become sexually active with other people, you’re going to have to confront the reality that people having sex with other people is part of normal life, and that everyone has a history, even those who’ve never had sex because they’ve probably fantasized about other people.

    Therefore, it behoove you to get these possessive tendencies under control sooner than later.

    That can start with you literally just telling yourself, it’s OK that my boyfriend has had other lovers before me because all that matters is that he’s with me now. I think if you can eventually get to that point of acceptance, you’ll find that getting turned on by porn won’t be as difficult as it may be right now for you.

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