What advice did your parents tell you about Hanky Panky?

  1. From my dad:

    One time, there was a dog walking next to a train track wagging his tail. A train went by and hit the tail, clipping off the very tip. The dog turned around in shock to look, and the train took off his head.

    The moral of the story is to never lose your head over a piece of tail.

    Also, use condoms.

  2. As a parent now, the advice of wear a condom and be safe is about all you can say. Anything more and we’re verging into weirdo territory.

  3. I was a recluse in high school. I did not go out at all and I had no friends. My parents didn’t have to give me a sex talk because I knew the basics already and I had no intention to get a girl knocked up at 16.

  4. From my grandfather: “it smells funny, looks funny, and sounds funny”

    Dude wasn’t wrong…

  5. Use condoms, only have a kid when you know you’re ready, don’t stick your dick in crazy. My dads sound advice

  6. Let’s see if I remember this right…

    First, you put your left hand in, but then you take it out. Then you put it in again and I guess you’re supposed to shake it around a lot.

    Wait, I think I’m getting this confused with something else, imma have to ask my dad about it next time I see him

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