Some backstory: I recently joined a new friend group and I have become very close with them over the past few months. I instantly clicked with one of the guys in the group (let’s call him Guy A). He was the friendliest to me from the start and as we got to know eachother more, I began to feel as if I’ve never clicked with someone the way I’ve clicked with him. I always want to be around him and when I’m talking to him, the whole world around us disappears. We never run out of things to talk about and even when I don’t see him for more than a day, I find myself missing him. From the moment I met him, I got this “this is meant to be” feeling, as dumb as that may sound.

I do have a pretty flirty personality though, and I did flirt with one of the other guys in the group whenever Guy A didn’t come out to bars with us. Nothing too much, just a little banter and playful slaps on the arm. I do find this guy (let’s call him Guy B) cute and we get along very well, but I don’t feel that strong connection with him like what I feel with Guy A.

About a month ago, Guy B asked me on a date and we have been seeing eachother ever since. However, I feel guilty for starting something with this guy when my heart isn’t fully in it. Guy A hasn’t outwardly asked me out even though some of his actions do make me feel like he likes me back. But it’s complicated since he is older than me and hooked up with one of my other friends from the group. Guy B is a genuinely good guy but I don’t know if I’m feeling the soul connection. I’m afraid that taking it any further will cause the friend group dynamic to be awkward but I don’t want to cut it off too soon in case it could grow to be something amazing. I know if I carry this on with Guy B I will never be able to go for Guy A simply because they are friends and I’d never want to come between that.

So should I cut it off with Guy B to explore things with Guy A, even if I don’t know whether he’ll reciprocate the feelings? Or should I keep dating Guy B and see where it goes?

  1. You’ve already fucked up by going out with guy b in the first place. Best thing to do now is be honest with him and stop seeing him. If they’re really friends you’ll struggle with guy a now and if somehow he does agree to date you it’s going to be an awkward friend group.

  2. If they are close friends, it is too late already.

    Beyond that, it really is just a crapshoot. You actually know these people, and you can’t predict the future either. To us, they are just guys with letters for names.

  3. You messed up by going out with guy b & also by flirting with him. You have been playing b’s feelings. Plus you will be bringing drama into the group.

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