Women, would you be willing to date someone whos broke and lives in a borken camper saving to buy a small house, or do y’all modern women only care about the money

  1. It’s not “only caring about the money” to have a realistic view of the costs that dating and life have, and make the decision to pursue one of the many, many people who is in a place to split those expenses with them.

  2. I don’t care about money, but I need money to survive. I have a job and care about my career, and would want to be with a partner who also works and cares about their career.

  3. Gotta love that this question also doubles as an accusation, as if being a gold digger is the only reason to not want to date broke people. People may want to date those who have a similar life style or who are similarly career driven and have something to show for it.

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