Your life is on a replay mode. You ve got the chance to choose a moment to stuck in forever . What moment will be replayed over and over again?

  1. My boyfriend and I blasting music on an empty street while it rained and we were just laughing and holding hands trying to dance even though we were both horrible at it.

  2. My daughters first Christmas in 2019. It was the last time my family was really together and enjoying ourselves before my dad got sick. Happy happy memories 💗

  3. There was a night where I baby-sat my nieces (they are under 10), we watched so many funny videos on youtube and movies, we ate a bunch of cake and popcorn, I made dinner, i was the most fun I’d had in years, we all still call that the best nignt ever and we always try to recreate it. I love them like as if they are my own kids ♡

  4. My dog who I’ve had for 14 years just passed away, he was my everything! If I could choose a moment to relive it would undoubtedly be with him. I’d choose either the moment I first met him or seven years later when I first introduced my now husband to him, that was such a sweet moment. My dog ran up to him as if he’d always known him and they had an instant connection.

  5. I was visiting Exmouth in western australian. Went surfing on a sunny day. I’m not a good surfer by any means, but the day was beautiful and the sun was just starting to set. Saw a turtle pop up and paddle out next to me. Just for a few seconds. I remember thinking, this is a moment I don’t want to ever forget

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