I’ve seen people say that you should go to book stores, comic book stores, libraries, etc to socialize. But, how? Everyone is doing there own thing and they generally just go in, get their stuff, and leave.

  1. I would never expect to make friends simply by going to a store. Not unless we got taken hostage by a gunman and had a lot of time to talk while the police negotiated our rescue.

    You said it correctly — people go in to buy stuff. They don’t go in expecting to meet a new friend. It isn’t impossible, there are always crazy exceptions. Like bumping into a long lost acquaintance from grammar school or your old neighborhood, and deciding you want to keep in touch and meet up for something. But generally speaking those aren’t the type of places to expect to strike up a friendship.

  2. I walked into the supermarket near me when i was so tired from work and didnt sleep well, i walked in to get an energy drink and saw this guy standing there with a tattoo on his arm, i asked if i could get a pic of the tattoo and he accepted (it was andy biersack on his arm) and eventually he added me on Facebook, we chatted a long time and you know i think thats how friendships from stores happen. Couldnt keep the friendship up anyway, but yea, it somehow is possible lol

  3. I recently made a post on social media about this! So I’ve got a quick answer for you.

    #1 Set an intention of enjoyment. Before you go in, convince yourself you are there to have fun and enjoy the community. Remember you are entering a community space, and people are not there to have a bad time! So have a good time.

    #2 Engage with customers. If someone is next to you in the aisle, ask for their opinion on a product. Maybe you share something you like about a similar product. Maybe you find your new favorite product. If it’s going well, you can progress into more social skills.

    #3 Cashiers! Try to leave the cashier with both of you feeling better then when you got there. Make them laugh, give them a compliment, or something to brighten their day. This is great if you often go to a store, because by the 3-4th time checking out with them they will probably recognize you and you have good rapport (from humor and compliments).


    I’ve made awesome friends in stores. Book stores, coffee shops, grocery stores, all over the place. I’ve even gotten some amazing dates from stores. And I met my current girlfriend in a cafe.

    Of course there is more to say here, but hopefully these three tips help you out.

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