I need some advice.

I (F22) recently started a new job. Before I took the job, I talked to my fiancee (M26) about it because we always discuss with each other what we want to do. We’ve been together for about 2 years.

I won’t go too much into detail but they told me that they need people for the night shift which ends at about 10/11 pm. I told my fiancee this and he wasn’t too comfortable with me being out that late on the street (it’s not office work). I told him I’d talk to them about taking the morning shift within the next 2 weeks and he said he was fine with that.

I still live with my parents. So recently my mom told me she doesn’t like that I’m out that late. I was in a rush because I was leaving for work and I just told her that these couple of days I was being extra late because of some problems within the company. I have been coming home at 12/12:30am and that it’s temporary. I didn’t tell her that I was taking the morning shift soon because, as I said, I was in a rush and not really concentrated on the matter.

A couple of hours later I’m talking to my fiancee on the phone. He tells me that my mom talked to him about my job. She told him to tell me to look for something else and quit this job immediately. My fiancee told her that I’m taking the morning shift and that I won’t be home late after that.

I got mad because my mom talked to him. I feel like she could’ve waited til we both had time to talk about it for her to tell me that she doesn’t like my new job.

I know she’s concerned about me but I feel like talking to my fiancee wasn’t necessary.

My fiancee said he’s going to be family and my husband and that my mom should be able to talk to him about stuff involving me if she’s worried about me and I don’t make the time to talk to her and reassure her.

I feel like she’s making me out to be a little kid for her not taking the time to talk to me about it.

My fiancee is telling me I should be grateful that she’s concerned instead of being mad that she talked to him. I really do get that she’s concerned and she’s right to. But I just wished she wouldn’t talk to him about stuff like this without me being there. I should also mention this is the second time she’s done something like this. The first time we got into a fight like mothers and daughters do and when she was talking to him on the phone she told him about it and he afterwards he came to talk to me and about my ‘behaviour’.

How do I set a boundary with both my mom and my fiancee? Because they both seem to think that since’s he’s family it’s fine. But I’m not comfortable with it.

  1. > My fiancee said he’s going to be family and my husband and that my mom should be able to talk to him about stuff involving me if she’s worried about me and I don’t make the time to talk to her and reassure her.

    Uff…first…why are you already engaged if you don’t even live together? I really hope you’re working toward moving out, and first living in your own flatshare/your own place before jumping into living with your SO.

    Secondly, while he and your mum can voice concerns….at the end of the day, it’s your decision. If you feel safe, that’s all that matters.

    > He tells me that my mom talked to him about my job.

    They both sound like they don’t really see you as a fully independent adult yet.

  2. I agree with airauqa. I would sit them both down together and let them know that you appreciate their concerns, but you’re an adult. Let them know what your boundaries are and how you want them to handle their discussions about you and your relationship.

    If you know your Mom has boundry issues take your SO aside and let him know what your comfortable with him discussing with her. Set these boundaries now and make sure they both keep to them. I’m sure he’ll have things he won’t want you to discuss with his family should they ask. This way you’ll start off with good strong rules for dealing with each other’s families.

    Good luck

  3. Define boundary? You going to break up if they don’t stop? Unfortunately what they have in common is you. Keep pounding both of them about it every time it happens and ignore their end goals when they do, but I think you have a long road ahead of you.

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