What was the moment you realised that you had no regrets in your life?

  1. About ten years ago as an older teenager. I really don’t regret anything not that anyone believes me. There are things that could have been done differently but it doesn’t matter.

  2. When I sat back and looked at my partner playing with our son and they were both laughing and I realised how happy we all are. Every trauma, every bad decision I’ve made, absolutely everything lead me to having a happy little family and a peaceful little bubble we call home. Our home is a safe space not only for us, but others too. To have all this, I sure as hell don’t regret a second of my life.

  3. When I was lying to myself. I wised up, realized I did have regrets, and that that’s okay.

  4. If someone tell to me that he has no regret in his whole life I won’t believe him!
    Life all about choices and we often make bad one, if you don’t regret the bad one you won’t learn

  5. When I finally let my walls down with my SO who opened me up to a world of love and joy I never knew, after putting up with all my insecurities and mistrust due to past trauma and baggage. I feel so much more free and self confident without anything heavy weighing me down mentally anymore.

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