What’s it like being in a relationship where your woman is the sole breadwinner?

  1. Idk. Honestly that situation sound cool until you realize your whole livelihood depends on you keeping that person happy and satisfied enough to keep you around.

  2. I don’t think I’d want to be in that situation, though I also wouldn’t want to be the sole breadwinner. I don’t want to feel completely dependent on her and I don’t want her to feel that way about me either. I would want either of us to feel that if things weren’t going well they could leave without financially ruining themselves.

  3. My wife is the primary breadwinner. I’m disabled and she makes about 4 times what I make.

    It sucks that I don’t make more, but it is what it is.

  4. It’s weird.
    I am used to being on my own.
    I am used to making my own money.
    I am used to working.
    I often struggled with these things. I eventually got over it.

  5. Like a dream. I’d get so much done. I’d do so much!

    I’d cook using the finest ingredients that I gathered that day.

    The house would be immaculate.

    My projects would be done.

    I’d read all the books all the time!

    I’d fish everyday.

    Mid day gym would be a dream.

    I’d learn something! Maybe how to play an instrument or maybe dance! Why not?

    The laundry would be done an folded and put away.

    I’d let her just decompress after work, next to the fire I built with the wood I chopped as she sipped on the drink I made her while I give her a foot rub while we waited for dinner to finish cooking.

    I’d draw her a bath with candles after dinner so she can relax while I clean the kitchen.

    Then I’d lay it down, two tickets to orgasm town!

    Well back to reality, I need to finish up my 15 hour work day, then go home to a messy home and try to put something quick to eat together because I have to be back at it tomorrow morning.

  6. It’s pretty cool at first. But after a while I felt like even though this was good enough, I could do more. I wanted to do more for her, for us, and for myself. So I got a job. Now we’ve got more money and take more vacations and it feels good.

  7. My fiance is primary breadwinner. I work part time as a tree worker, and it’s pretty awesome. My “Job” is to stay at home with the kids and take care of the house, finances, etc. It’s way easier than work.

  8. It will depend on how mature the woman is and how much she loves the man (or her partner) . My mom loves my dad even when he does something so infuriating that my sister just yells at him. Instead of yelling back (like my sister) she just calmly makes him understand her point of view and what can be done. My father always sees that and tries to change. Also she just leaves him sometime so as to not ruin personal space and doesn’t over push him to ruin mindset.
    I can’t imagine how bad our home be if my mom wasn’t that mature and loving.
    (My father also did jobs and made money in ways lower class moralistic men can make ; less than my mother however – before his spine problems made him leave work).

  9. My husband doesn’t seem to mind, but he also doesn’t like to hear about my accomplishments at work. So when I get a raise or a promotion I kind of have to downplay how excited I am about it around him. He does more house work but he is just a more organized person so it kind of fits his personality type.

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