What is your opinion on a professional who has a kink/fetish related to their profession? E.g. plumber/housepartner or massage therapist/client?

  1. I would not want them mixing business and pleasure like that anywhere near me, particularly if I had to hire them to do a task.

  2. I would refuse to hire a service person who was sexually fetishizing the work being done or the relationship between worker and hiring agent. It’s unethical to manipulate, trick, or otherwise involve someone into participating in your fetish without their informed and enthusiastic consent.

  3. As long as they aren’t mixing the two, I don’t care. Like, if you’re hired as a housekeeper, a plumber, whatever, the person who has hired you should not know about this fetish. Keep the fetish in the bedroom, ya know? The only time this would weird me out, even if it was kept to themselves, are in medical settings. That would make me extremely uncomfortable, but also, no one else should be aware of the fetish to be made uncomfortable with.

  4. So like, an electrician having a kink for electrocuting people? Oof. A nurse or cna with an enema kink?

    I honestly cannot think of one that would be at all ok haha

  5. I wouldn’t care as long as they kept their interaction professional. Everyone has some kind of kink, as long as you can keep it to yourself at appropriate times what difference does it make?

  6. No. I also wouldn’t visit a shoe store run by a known foot fetishist. Don’t make your fetishes other people’s problems.

    Now if you want to advertise, I bet you’d find people who’d pay for it willingly.

  7. To each their own but I don’t need to know about it. I had all kinds of tradesmen in my home this year due to renovations. There was one guy who I swear got a sexual thrill out of drilling holes, seriously. Aside from that he was an okay guy.

  8. I dont care as long as their behaviour and communication are professional. What they feel or think isnt my concern. Or anyone else’s for that matter.

  9. You wouldn’t be hiring a contractor knowing this about him, I think this question refers specifically to a partner who has a kink about their job.
    It’s weird, no way to slice it. And I think I’d feel uncomfortable knowing they could be getting off on their day to day interactions with others.

  10. depends, like you wouldn’t want someone that has a thing for dead bodies embalming grandma, but a massage therapist that enjoys giving massages wouldn’t be too bad, client wouldn’t know n they’d probably be better at their job lol

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