Ok this is a bit of a weird situation I guess. I’m 18f and I met this guy at a board game club at my uni, he asked to join a game with my friends and I. He was really nice and sociable and I feel like we hit it off pretty well. Now I didn’t get his contact or anything since we parted ways really quickly, but there is one guy on the discord server for the club that shares his name that I think might be him? It’s been about a month since I saw him, do you think it would be creepy to dm him on discord even though he didn’t give it to me and just chat him up? I thought he was quite cute and I regret not saying more to him while we saw each other 🙁

  1. In my opinion it isn’t that creepy, but I myself dread dming others bc I feel like they would think I’m weird for it. I’d say don’t worry too much about it and go on with it

  2. it’s not weird to dm him, but also why not continue going to the board game club and see if he shows up again? he might, and that way you can ask him in person

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