I (29F) have been dating this guy (29M) for a few weeks. We have been having a great time with great sex and conversation. I could see myself falling for him.

Anyways, after an awesome day yesterday and some great sex, he accidentally said, “I love you.” He said he meant to say, “I love hanging out with you.”

I laughed it off with him, but now I’m just kind of sad that he didn’t mean it? But it’s too soon, and logically I know you can’t actually love someone after a few weeks.

…but can you? 😭

  1. He was covering up cuz he didn’t wanna seem too weird or make it seem too soon. Also when ur in the sack, it’s so easy for the words “I love you” to come out as a guy. I have had to hold it back a few times during sex with girls I was dating

  2. Woops! I almost let it slip once when this girl was dumping me. I didn’t love her, but the thought of never getting my paws on her big ol’ honkers again was a shock to the system.

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