Minus the marriage part. Would you use an app that focuses on your personality only before reaching a certain level where you reveal what you look like?

  1. YES YES AND YES. I have even talked to other people about how cool this would be. Physical attraction is super important for any relationship, I’m not discounting that- but worst case scenario you make some really cool friends that you jive with. It’s a win win

  2. The only problem is your average users are going to be quite a bit less attractive than on other platforms. Because although this will appeal to lots of people, attractive or not, the attractive ones will be spread out across all the dating apps, while the unattractive ones will flock straight to your app because it’s their best option.

    Idk how you solve that problem, it’s kind of a fundamental problem beyond dating apps.

    For example, when you make an app for making friends, what happens is it fills up with the loneliest and most socially awkward people right away, and then that becomes the platforms reputation / new users go “these people are too weird” and the problem snowballs, the ratio gets worse.

    If you can solve that problem you’ve got something. If you can’t, you are going to build a whole app and see it die after launch.

  3. Nope. The only reason love is blind works as a show is because producers pre screen the contestants and weed out anyone who isn’t top 0.1% attractive.

  4. A dating app like that would have an even higher male to female ratio than OLD does now. Women already get overwhelmed with matches, why would we want to get overwhelmed with matches from people we can’t see?

  5. Nope, attraction is super important to me. Personality is most important but there needs to be a spark initially to get things rolling for me

  6. Nope. I would not want to deeply bond with someone emotionally only to either wind up not being physically attracted to them, or them not being physically attracted to me.

  7. No I would not. Bumble has blind dating I think anyway. I can’t see it ever working in today’s society

  8. So I had this exact chat with my gf on one of our dates. We agreed that while dating apps are flawed, one of those flaws is not judging people first based on their appearance. We also agreed that we wouldn’t have even swiped right on each other if we didn’t find each other’s pictures attractive.

    I can’t speak for everyone else, but I couldn’t be in a romantic relationship with a woman if I didn’t think she was physically attractive. On that basis alone, I don’t think I would use an app that matches you on personality traits exclusively.

  9. No, most ppl need a physical attraction or at least a rough idea of what the other person looks like (at least I do). Also Love Is Blind contestants are still all generally in shape and more attractive than the average person; if there was an app, there’d be a lot more rejections once the two ppl saw each other since it would feature more average people.

  10. There’s already an app that does this, or a similar idea. You talk and each message makes the user’s profile picture less blurry. Called S’more.

    I sent a friend the link and I’m hoping she tests it out because she’s been having a really hard time dating (but I think it’s desperation… I’ve started online dating again and it’s going smoothly)

  11. Nope.

    There are some physical elements that repel me and there is no point wasting my time or anyone else’s.

  12. Nope..we all have particular types and attractiveness does matter. Personality its the most important but to me the person has to be at least average and I am happy qs long as everything balances out.

  13. This concept is great but like others have said, would only really work if you guarantee a minimum level of attraction. The only way I can see that happening is if you have users swipe like normal, but when you match with someone, it’s a blind match and maybe only personality aspects are revealed at first.

    I.e. you don’t know who you matched with, but you know it’s someone you swiped on (and has swiped on you) so it has to at least be someone you’re potentially attracted to.

  14. Yes because I’m overweight and not great looking as a woman. Would be willing to date an ugly guy if we got along great. I have dated ugly before and it was never an issue, still wanted to be intimate.

  15. I wouldn’t, for me appearance is not the most important part of a relationship but still attractivness matters.
    Imagine doing that, meeting someone with a great personnality, about to fall in love with the person, yet when you discover what the person looks like you’re not attracted at all, you can’t have sex with this person or having any kind of physical intimacy.
    How heartbreaking would that be?

    Better to have all the cards from the start.

    I would prefer an app where an employee of the company would spends some time with each member of the application, would redact a fully honest unbiaised bio from his observations about the member and take honest pictures. That would be great, but will never exists.

  16. Hell no, I like to know who I’m talking too and setting up dates would lead to disappointment from both parties and make for awkward dates.

  17. Nope not ever, not even a little bit lol On the show, you can be reasonably sure that the person is relatively attractive; that would NOT be the case around here

  18. No. Women and especially men are biologically programmed to be visually attracted. So, even if the two people really click, the moment the reveal happens and one isn’t physically attracted to other, it’s over and they just wasted their time.

  19. No. Based on the very low rate of success of couples on that show (as far as I’m aware), and because when they do see each others’ faces/bodies it’s *that* that really determines if the couple stay together.

    For most people (me included) who aren’t “pure” demisexuals, asexuals and whatnot… looks matter. From the show LIB, I think it’s pretty clear that no matter how much a couple connected through talking, if they weren’t both physically attracted to each other, it didn’t and wouldn’t work out.

  20. love is blind casting filters out people who aren’t “conventionally attractive”. that wouldn’t happen on an app.

    and tbh, i’m too shallow for this premise in general. physical attraction is important. i’m a tall woman (5’10) and i prefer to date men who are taller than me. i prefer brunettes, and i’m a big fan of tasteful facial hair. my boyfriend fits all those criteria and has a wonderful personality etc. maybe some people are ambivalent enough about looks that it would work for them, but for me it sounds like a waste of time to develop a connection with someone and then find out you don’t find them attractive.

  21. When I think about how well the majority of the Love Is Blind relationships have gone…….absolutely not 😅

  22. That’s kinda what reddit dating already is to a degree. Most posts don’t include a picture, and reddit chat feature is not exactly the best one. So what often happens is you would chat till you feel at least some interest in this person, then you would go to some other app ( in my experience it was usually discord) and exchange pics. And that’s exactly the step where most of those potential relationships would crumble.

  23. Imagine all the work you put into a person just for them to be not attractive to you physically. Plus people would ask straight up for clues: “What’s your race?” “What’s your body type?” “How tall are you?” Etc etc

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