Please be serious and don’t be gross

  1. Only thing I can think of when anyone asks this is this one time in middle school with one of the girls there said I was cute. I had no idea who she was and I wish I was less shy and realized she was probably hitting on me and replied in kind. But that’s besides the fact.

  2. “You’re gonna really piss off my ex”- drunk girl at work before launching into drunken ambush make out

  3. In my experience I don’t think a stranger has ever directly complimented me. Hence the stereotype of guys getting one compliment ever and remembering it for the rest of their lives.

    I have however had people that say they like my shirt or hoodie because of a funny or cool looking print on it, but I dunno if that counts as complimenting me or my clothes.

  4. When I was in 4th grade I was walking through the park by my grandma’s house and some kids let me join their football game. I dropped two passes in a row and the qb told me just stand back by him. He was in like 7th grade and I was embarrassed but I understood. After the play started he turned and shoved the ball into my chest and yelled, “RUN”. I was like a lightning bolt. After the play he said, “you were so bad at catching I knew your had to be a good runner.”

  5. An awkward situation when I was in school and had to rush to bank soon as it opened early.

    Teller(hot one): your breath smells nice.
    Me: I actually did not brush my teeth yet.

  6. I was in the ER after dislocating my finger at a soccer practice. The Doctor was a women in her mid-40s, really pretty, whatever. She pops my finger back in, then I got up to use the bathroom. She told me she thought I was very attractive and that she had a daughter around my age she’d love to put me in contact with. Never did get in contact with her but it’s one I still think of 4 years later

  7. “You have a beautiful soul “ …it’s been like 8 years since but shit stays with me 🙂

  8. Tie between I have the most beautiful eyes/lashes they’ve seen, and another who told me like they thought a hug from me would feel like a welcoming home to warmth

  9. Never had a compliment. Women receive so many nice and ugly compliments that becomes harassment. For men is the opposite, so if you as a woman want to know a nice compliment to say to a man, just say something nice not sarcastic that you actually believe of him. Anything is gonna be well received

  10. I overheard a blind date telling her cousin (the matchmaker) that I had nice eyes. We made out for a bit later that evening.

  11. I actually get things like, “I like your hair” or “I like your guages” or something along those lines. I get people saying that they feel something when I’m around. I do photography for a living and I’ve had parents comment on how their shy kids turned into an attention monster when I’m around. I make people at ease.

    For me it’s strange because I’m in a daily hell in my mind suffering with schizophrenia. I cannot and do not take compliments well because of my mental issues. Sometimes sucks. But at least I’ve had em. Lol.

  12. I know you said don’t be gross but one time in vegas I bought a 40oz of beer called “king cobra” and an older blond woman offered to buy it for me and asked me if the “king cobra” was me too or just the beer. That was after my first year in the gym and the first time a random woman sexualized me and it felt great

  13. I was 16 or 17. I ran into a classmate and his girlfriend at the mall, and he introduced us. She shook my hand, held it for just a bit too long, and said, “Ooh, you have nice big hands.” I’ve carried that with me for damn near 30 years.

  14. I’m a mailman, and one lady opened the door. First thing out her mouth was, wow your good looking and then after some small chit chat asked me if I wanted to come in side and F@ck her. Said I was flattered but married, she said it will be our secret. I didn’t cheat but it was an ego boost and a took as a compliment. I had one receptionist call me Hollywood first time seeing her which was up there too.

  15. “You’re ugly, but your nice so I like you” said to me by a girl who was ready to jump me at a party but an annoying 3rd wheel wouldn’t take a hint.

  16. A group of three female dental students asked me if I had veneers. It made the second round of clear aligners in my late 20s worth every penny.

  17. A hispanic girl at 7-11 called me handsome once and asked my name. I wanted to go back and chat her up, but I moved before I saw that 7-11 again

  18. I do get complimented on physical features, but what sticks with me most is any instance of “Wow, amazing costume!”

  19. This older woman said I have the sexiest voice ever in the middle of an HEB, and even went to go brag about it to this girl who worked there lol.

  20. Strangest one was – you have very hairy legs, can I touch them. They have a stroke and then tell their friend who looks and asks for a touch also.

    I was in Korea on public transport and people were genuinely intrigued at how hairy I am.

    After stroking my legs and arms they asked if I had a hairy chest/back and again wanted to touch that also.

    It was two old couples the guys were in their 70’s, was really funny.

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