Girls.. What is the easiest, quickest & most clean way to get out of the shower during your period?

  1. I have a tampon ready, and then I wash my hands, dry and get dressed. Nothing to it is there?

  2. I use a menstrual cup and I suppose that’s another one of its perks – I empty and clean it in the shower, put it back in ma kooch and have protection while I dry.

  3. Have your tampon or pad ready before you get out of the shower so you can put it on as soon as you’re done.

  4. Invest in period underwear!!! dry off in the shower and slip them on quick to avoid leaks.
    I only have Thinx and they’re $$$. I know more affordable brands exist now too. Sorry your flow is so heavy, I’ve 1000% been in your shoes and period underwear and period cups (like someone else mentioned) were helpful for sure.

  5. I usually dry myself off as much as possible as long as I am standing in the shower, then I’ll quickly walk across the room and sit down on the toilet and put on underwear and a pad.

  6. Empty, clean, and reinsert my cup while in the shower. If you have such a heavy flow that this is a problem, I highly recommend getting a menstrual cup.

  7. I’ve never really thought about it. I use a tampon or Diva cup, dry off, and get dressed as I normally would. I’ve never dripped blood on my heavy days, but I guess I also don’t care and just wipe away anything with my towel and then throw it in the laundry to wash. Black towels may be a good idea? Maybe a couple black hand towels on the floor while you dry off to catch any drops?

  8. Prep your pad and underwear before the shower. Dry off in the tub and put your underwear on before you step out

  9. I have everything ready to go ASAP and the very last thing I do while showering is cleaning the blood. Sometimes I repeat this several times so there aren’t any leaks. I don’t dry my legs or anything before putting a tampon in.

  10. For me personally it’s not a big deal, I just pop in a tampon or cup if there isn’t one in already. If I were using a pad on a heavy day I guess I‘d just have a pad ready and hold it there with the sticky side wrapped while drying my legs enough to put on underwear.

  11. Right when I step out of the shower, I place a few layers of toilet paper in between my legs while I dry off. Then when dry, I place my tampon or put my underwear on with the pad on there simultaneously as I dispose of the soiled toilet paper. Works like a charm!

  12. I try to *push* out as much blood as I can while showering so I can have some time to get out and get situated without any dripping. Works 99% of the time.

  13. That’s honestly never been an issue for me. I step out of the shower like normal, dry off like normal, and then put my undies on with a pad.

  14. Post shower bleed isn’t the one I’m concerned about, it’s the wake up/stand up that is most dangerous! I have to be a stealthy woman sometimes because that night blood is hanging in the balance and my sheets are at risk lol. I do prep a pad in my undies, pop out the shower and put my underwear on immediately!

  15. I am a girl and I had no clue this is something people worry about. Even on my heaviest days I can go a couple hours without a tampon and be completely worry free. A 10-20 minute shower was never remotely a concern.

  16. i wear a tampon during the shower. am i not supposed to? nobody else in here seems to do that. it’s a serious question, i’m 19 and my mom never explained that much to me. i’m sure i have knowledge gaps.

  17. Keep a tampon or cup in during the shower.

    Dry off.

    If you used a tampon, change it since it will have absorbed a bunch of shower water. Replace and get dressed.

  18. I prep everything before the shower. I have a set of black mini towels that I only use when I’m on my period. When I hop out I place the black mini towel in between my legs, dry up using my normal towel, put my underwear on up to my thighs, remove towel and finish putting my underwear all the way up.

  19. So, I’m in the minority and HATED period cups, but love the period disc (I got a reusable one from flex). I guess it’s largely an anatomy preference. Either a disc or cup would resolve this, bonus is that they’re great in a lot of other ways too. Period underwear is also nice.

  20. Okay hear me out I get not during the day because of how it looks with clothing, but after having a child and basically being on a “period” for 6 weeks after she was born, now 6 months! I will always swear by adult diapers at night and they are cheaper then pads and I didn’t l bleed through a single time ever!

  21. Grab 2 towels:

    One for your body and hair.

    One for your vag and butt crack, preferably one you don’t care about staining.

    Quick pad or tampon placement immediately following wiping of the vag and crack. Wipe with 2nd towel after tampon placement just to be sure.

    *Cheers!* 🙂

  22. I unroll and fold some toilet paper and have it within 3 feet of the shower, stick it on there, it stays on just fine for at least 10 mins, then go about drying my hair and put in a cup or tampon or whatever when Im done

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