Hi so as the title says I’m 23F and I have the Kyleena IUD and have for a little over two years now and it’s great. My fiancé and I currently combine it with the pull out method but recently he’s been asking if he can finish inside me because that’s what the IUD is for and he has friends who’s partners have the IUD and let them…
The idea of him finishing in me is REALLY hot but… I don’t know. I’m so paranoid! Does anyone else have an IUD and let their partner finish in them?

  1. Well, do you live in one of the repressive states where abortion is illegal? Given how effective IUDs are, that’s the only reason I can think of to not do it.

  2. As a guy who was always terrified of accidentally getting someone pregnant, I used a condom every time, unless I knew they had an IUD. It is the most effective form of birth control and unless you have had some sort of trauma that has dislodged it, you can be certain it is working the way its supposed to. All other forms you have to worry about “how consistently was she taking the pill” or “did the guy roll a condom on the right way to minimize the chance it breaks”. All that worry went out the window when I knew she had an IUD

  3. When I was on birth control (and had a boyfriend too) I liked to let him finish in me, but I was still paranoid about getting pregnant, so I combined it with the calendar method. Which of course by itself it’s not safe, but using two ways to avoid a pregnancy made me feel safer.

  4. Safe sex is like having a good password online; two-factor authentication can help with ease-of-mind. There are multiple forms of BC that can be practiced alongside an IUD, a few of which still allow creampie-ing!

  5. I have had my IUD for about a year and a half and my partner finishes inside me all the time and no pregnancy scares

  6. Think about whether you need to talk to a therapist about this, especially if this is causing friction with your fiance.

  7. Being paranoid over pregnancy is normal and I think you have a good reason to be because of that.

    I don’t have an IUD lol but if it helps, I’ve come across many women who have. I certainly wasn’t their fiancé, not even their boyfriend and I’ve yet to experience a pregnancy scare with someone.

    Either way, do what you’re most comfortable with. Even if you have an IUD.

  8. My wife got one when she was still just my girlfriend. We still used condoms as a secondary birth control until she finished college and we were married because we didn’t want that incredibly small percentage chance of her still getting pregnant with one to mess up her education. We got married soon after she graduated and it was cream pies ahoy.

    That was my/our experience. I don’t have much advice to offer. Just gotta be comfortable and confident with it if you’re gonna trust the IUD alone. Not that there’s any reason not to trust it alone. Just up to you two.

  9. The IUD is so effective it’s not worth the worry just enjoy it! I’ve had my partner finish in me for 16 years, 6 of those with the IUD and no scares. Go for it have fun!

  10. I have had kyleena for 3 years, mirena before that, and on the pill before that. Never had a pregnancy scare, not used condoms almost the entire time.

    No form of birth control is 100% on its own, but the IUD is pretty much as close to it as you can get.

    Know what your options are and agree on a plan in the case of an accidental pregnancy

  11. I’ve had the Kyleena for 4 years and my husband’s been cumming inside me at least once a week the whole time. Love my IUD!!

  12. The ‘not 100% certain’ is to cover themselves because anything can fail.

    My wife has had zirs in for four years now, and we average three sessions a week, so in our case it’s better than 1 in 600 chance, or 99.998% effective.

  13. I’m currently pregnant after 8 cumulative years on Paraguard non-hormonal copper IUD (2 different IUDs due to a planned pregnancy in between them). It did not move out of place, I saw it on the ultrasound right next to my tiny embryo. It has no hormones so it did not malfunction in that way. It just is not 100% effective. I live in a state where termination past 6 weeks is illegal. There was no choice about this pregnancy and while I do not think I would have wanted to terminate, it’s a super big mindfuck to have the choice taken from you.

    Long story short, my IUD worked great until it didn’t. Don’t be me.

  14. I have the Nexplanon implant now but I use to have an IUD (had to have it removed for reasons other than sex). Had it for years, no issues. You’re good girl.

    You have a higher chance of winning the cash out prize of the lottery then you do of getting pregnant with either an IUD or an implant.

  15. I have a copper one and my boyfriend always finishes inside, sometimes up to 2 or 3 times a day. No pregnancy yet.

  16. I have a copper iud (very slightly less effective than the hormonal) and let my partner finish in me all the time! I pay attention to my cycle and try to be careful and aware, but that anxiety will lessen the more you do it. You are protected from pregnancy, and if you decide to let him finish inside, it’s likely to lessen the anxiety over time.

  17. IUD is as effective as having your tubes tied or a vasectomy. Personally I had horrible stress dreams about pregnancy when on the pill but 5 years using the benefits of the IUD and not having a care in the world. It’s of course up to your risk tolerance but IUDs are like 99.9+% effective. The efficacy means that 1/1000ish women will get pregnant in a year of IUD use.

  18. My wife got pregnant using an IUD. Her OBGYN said that it was still in place and everything looked good. We just happened to be in the small percentage of people who get pregnant while using it. Fortunately, we were prepared to welcome another kid. However, it wasn’t a viable ovum so it was a roller coaster.

    In short, yes I’d combine the IUD with a basal body temperature type of method to “double up”, which will reduce your odds of getting pregnant.

  19. My daughter is an IUD baby. If you have access to abortion or are prepared to deal with parenthood, then go for it. It’s super unlikely but you have to consider the 1% chance your IUD fails.

  20. I know the IUD’s effectiveness is super high, but I still worry. Especially since I live in a very red state. I don’t have any advice for you, but you’re not alone girl 😭 hope u figure it out

  21. Im on the ring and hes finished in me multiple times. Ofc i still get paranoid but its fun, idec in the moment loll. Maybe do it every now and then, not every time to lessen the likeliness of getting pregnant

  22. Pulling out doesn’t guarantee 100% you won’t get pregnant. There are only two things that absolutely guarantees, 100%, you won’t get pregnant: first one is obvious, don’t have sex. The second one? Oh, if you’re infertile.

    Wether it’s IUD or a vasectomy, there is a chance yoh get pregnant. But it’s egregiously low. But I can understand where you’re coming from.

  23. Best thing I ever did (besides requiring std panels before sex) is get the iud. No pregnancy scares and the rush of sometimes letting my bf finish inside

  24. An IUD is about 99% effective. They’re wonderful, wonderful things. Have never had a scare with one in play.

  25. I got my IUD at 20 and got it out at 27. For the sake of honesty I’m gonna be blunt, I was like a Twinkie that 7 years and didn’t have a single scare 🙂

  26. I’m on the non hormonal corpper IUD. 7 years now. No baby, no accidents, just a lot of my husband cuming inside me. I definitely suggest combining it with the calendar method though! Better safe than sorry.

  27. I’ve had an IUD for the last 15 years and never got pregnant. I never worried about it either – that’s what it’s for, right?

  28. I do, and have….but they’ve also had a vasectomy, lol. I’m not sure how I would feel about it if they didn’t.

    But, the issue here is how YOU feel. If you let him and you’re that uncomfortable, will you really enjoy it? Yeah, preventing pregnancy is it’s job, but like everything, it’s not 100% Its up to you how much risk you’re willing to accept, and it’s perfectly fine to say no, Im not comfortable with that.

    But, if it is something you’d like to try, and your periods are pretty regular, you could try only letting him finish inside, outside of your fertile window. You can buy cheap ovulation tests on Amazon that will give you a decent idea of when you’re about to ovulate .

  29. I have a Kyleena as well. My partner finishes in me and I just take a monthly pregnancy test. Never had a pregnancy but unrest it cause I don’t have my period anymore

  30. I’ve had two IUDs and let my partner finish inside me. Never a pregnancy scare. However, I personally know 3 people who got pregnant while on the IUD. Idk if it made a difference or not, but they had the copper one, and I have a hormonal one (mirena). I still know it’s possible, so unless you are prepared to deal with the consequences of getting pregnant, I would recommend no ejaculation inside you.

  31. Kyleena is very trustful. Don’t worry 🙂 I’ve had IUD for 7 years now and I’ve never been pregnant. I have never heard that anyone would have got pregnant while using IUD. I know it’s possible but all doctors have said to me that it’s super rare and usually it’s caused due to poor placement without checking it with ultrasound

  32. I’ve now had two Kyleena’s, first for the full 5 and the second for about a year now. No scares, EVER, no matter how many times inside. Not to say that it’s fool proof, but my older gynecologist said she’s had 1 pregnancy in 20 YEARS of prescribing IUD’s.

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