What is one habit that you formed immediately/shortly after moving out of your parent’s house?

  1. I started cooking more. I would either eat out or my parents would cook for me when I lived at home, but now that I live on my own I have to cook most of my meals.

  2. Closing doors.

    My father didn’t like me closing doors because it was his house and in his house the doors are not to be closed.

  3. Using the living room as an open wardrobe and hurling bras across the room after taking them off, lol not a good habit yeah.

  4. Unpack my childhood trauma.

    I grew up with a lot of shame. I have to tell myself that it’s okay to go out, see a friend, enjoy a concert, or just get out because I want to explore.

  5. Learning how to cook properly and maintain a household. My birth giver never taught me to do anything and her cooking is passable at best. (My bf still has ptsd from the beef Wellington she tried to make the last Christmas we spent there)

  6. Started cooking a lot more

    Started ordering more “personal” items a lot more because there wasn’t the worry that someone was going to look through my mail

    Started having friends over a LOT more

    Started walking around naked a lot more

    That kinda stuff.

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