So when we(18m,18f) started the relationship, she said that it isn’t a problem. But after like half a year she said she doesn’t like if I masturbate, because she think that I do it because she is not enough for me and feels less worthy.

I think that causes this, that dhe has an unhealthy relationship with masturbation, because every time when she touched herself she felt guilty after and thinks that it is a bad thing.(her family isn’t too religious to prohibit her these thingsy they didn’t say we shouldn’t have sex or anything)

And the strange thing is that she masturbates sometimes altough prohibits me from doing it. After, she tells me about it and says sorry(she shouldn’t say sorry because I think it’s hot when she does it) But still doesn’t let me and if I tell her that she can bit I can’t she says them she also won’t do it and this is not the good solution.

What do you think how could we figure this out? I really love her and don’t want to leave her because of this.

  1. You sit down and explain in the nicest terms that you can come up with that it’s your body, and it’s absolutely none of her fucking business if you masturbate – which, incidentally, almost every single healthy human does to some frequency. Including her.

    If you are jerking off instead of having sex, she has a point. If you are jerking off and can’t perform with her, she has a point.

    If not? She needs to stuff that shit. Immediately. You are an adult, and you need to be respected like one. Toxic, controlling bullshit like this cannot be tolerated, or you will see your relationship decay and resentment build.

    Nip that shit now.

  2. Her hangups don’t give her license to deny you pleasure while controlling your life. What will it escalate to next week?

    Personally I would move on. There are 4 billion women in the world.

  3. She has boundary and control issues. You may be partnered, but you still have body autonomy.

    This is a “her” issue.

  4. She’s trying to control what you do with your body that’s abusive controlling behavior. She needs to address the route of her insecurity.

    Testosterone is not plotting against her

    Sounds like her parents puritanical views on sex have done some damage to her. She should consider therapy.

  5. Nope. Draw a line in the sand and hold to it. She can’t forbid it, let alone have a double standard. Communicate your boundaries and expectations and never be afraid to walk if someone tries to control you. There are plenty of others out there who won’t do that.

  6. Uh, no, fuck that. That is her problem not yours. She needs to knock that shit off. Controlling what othe r people do with thier bodies esp around sex ESP when she does it is Controlling, weird, immature, and hypocritical

  7. This is an immaturity and control issue. Honestly, unless you want to put up with this for years in the *hope* that she will change you’re going to need to break up

  8. A 25f I worked with said masturbating to porn was cheating, I laughed bc I legit thought she was kidding. I live with my significant other and we’ve been together 11 years. I know he does it and never once have caught him or seen him or knew he was. Nor do I care to. I don’t control him and wouldn’t want to. It’s natural. I don’t understand how people think they can stop someone from doing something so personal. Really it’s none of her business, it’s your body. But also such a strange thing to have a hang up about. Like what else do they feel like they can control.

  9. It’s telling that not 1 comment is in support of your gf’s abusive controlling behavior.

    The mob has spoken, take heed!!

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