Me (20) and my gf m(17) met when I was 17 about to become 18 and she was 15. We met online and we hit it off almost instantly l. Whenever we talked it’s was never awkward. We could text all day everyday. I had my problem sand she helped me. I was in major depression and she lifted me she is the reason why I am alive and graduated high school. I hate myself for putting her through that. We got pretty serious rq which I know regret. I had talked to my parents and her parents and they said it was okie for our ages. Last September she broke up with me. She said she didn’t know if she wanted such a serious relationship and ever since then she’s been very idk about us dating. We tried NC, it drove us both crazy. Messing each other so bad to the point we couldn’t function. So we decided to keep talking but not say like couple things. The NC trying would last day/ week and it went on for two months. Now we have been talking everyday and calling just like when we were a couple. My problem is that she still doesn’t want to be my gf. I’d like some advice and help and guidance because idk understand it.
What we do now
– [ ] Text everyday
– [ ] Call everyday
– [ ] Care about each other when something goes wrong
– [ ] If we need some type of support we are there for each other
– [ ] We say I love you and I miss you
– [ ] We do everything a couple would
But she still isn’t sure is she wants to be my gf. So today I finally said figure it out and she spent the whole day trying and talking with her mom. She says she feels lost and that she doesn’t know herself because we started dating when she was 15. She said she never got to discover herself to see who she really was. So I told her okie I’ll give you space because that makes since. For her to grow and find herself I have to leave. She said she doenst want that, she doenst want us to stop talking and she doesn’t want to go through the part where when we stop talking she feels like shit. Idk what to do anymore. We basically act like a couple

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