So me 25M and a girl 25F we started talking for like 3 weeks. We been on about 2 dates. 1 day we were texting each other and she just suddenly stopped texting mid convo. The last text was she said she didn’t have a good day at work, and I said “why is that?” Then didn’t get a text afterward for like a week. Now I’m thinking “Wtf did I do.” And I don’t like being a bother to people (that’s honestly a childhood thing I was always told I was in the way and to just leave). So the question is should I do 1 last call to see if she picks up or not. If she picks up then I’ll ask about what happened, and if she doesn’t I’ll delete her number and go on with life?

  1. I think if you text something along the line of I wanted to ask if you’re okay cuz you stopped mid conversation and I got a bit worried. Are you okay ? And things like that she may answer. But phone call 99% she won’t answer but still you can call once then text and done.

  2. Ask her out on a third date via text. Time and place. Act like the last text and gap never happened. No response in 24 hours, then just delete.

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