My bf and I have been dating for 4 years, and only recently after gaining a friendship with his male coworker has it been a thing for him to think it’s funny and make jokes about slapping another guys’ ass. Or another instance where his coworker would say “gimme a smooch”. He says it’s funny and they don’t actually do anything, but I don’t see why guys find this funny. Of course if he openly talked about his sexuality and told me he was also into men then I would understand. However, he says he’s 100% straight. But why do guys “play flirt” with other guys. What’s the need to do that especially if you have a significant other that you already do those things to?

tl;dr: boyfriend and coworker joke about slapping each other’s butts or giving a kiss, and it makes me uncomfortable. i don’t understand the intention.

  1. a lot of guys do this and i have NO idea why either. id say if you keep telling him it makes you uncomfortable and he doesnt understand , then maybe you guys arent a good fit? He probably doesnt mean any harm by it at all, but if it makes you uncomfortable that is valid too

  2. You communicated that you find this uncomfortable and he dismissed your concerns. He does not respect your feelings. Do you want to be with someone who dismisses your feelings?

  3. It’s just some funny meaningless humor. It’s not a big deal at all. It seems like you aren’t confident in your relationship if such a small thing makes u uncomfortable

  4. In full genuineness it most likely means no indication on his sexuality. Guys do this a lot and it’s getting popularized with the memes of kissing ur homies good night and dating your homies instead of girls so a lot of people are finding the idea funny even tho they’re not gay. It’s pretty much just dumb banter.

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