I found that these three tips usually spark some type of emotion within people who are trying to build a better social life. I hope they help someone in this subreddit! I’m happy to provide more insight, and if you feel differently please let me know!


\#1 Commit to intentional time for social events. If you put it in your calendar you are way more likely to execute. Intention is e v e r y t h I n g and the more intention you put towards building a better social life, the more likely you are to succeed.

\#2 Get clear on the people you want to meet. Not meeting the right kinds of people? Take a moment to define your perfect new connection. Write it down. Repeat it out loud. We attract what we focus on – so focus on awesome people!

\#3 Get comfortable with vulnerability. A lot of people think vulnerability is a weakness, but it’s actually a strength. Vulnerability is a doorway to deeper connection with yourself and with others.

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