Hello All,
I’m south East Asian(36M), currently living in Germany. I’m working as Consultant Engineer in automotive firm. Basically by nature I feel I’m introvert and shy kind of person. How can I build rapport with my colleagues? I feel too shy to get along with them for lunch, asking basic work related questions(if they judge me).

Sometimes, I feel I don’t have work related skill set which puts my mind in negative thought process. I don’t want all these things to impact my job.

How I can overcome and improve myself. Any help would really appreciated. Thank you.

  1. Hm… Other than pushing yourself irl it might be an idea to ask them for help or chat with them over teams… You might be able to start something there.

  2. How can I build rapport with my colleagues? **Depends on the people. Usually humor is a great way to build rapport – making people laugh and feel at ease is a great way to open the door to get more connected. Compliments help too, but make sure they are calibrated and don’t seem weird or awkward.**

    Sometimes, I feel I don’t have work related skill set which puts my mind in negative thought process. **Yeah mate, being able to network is a really useful skill in professional development.**

    How I can overcome and improve myself. **There is a lot you can do, depends where you want to get started and what you have time to do. Surrounding myself with awesome people has been super valuable. Introverts (like you and sometimes me) can make a choice to be outgoing, but it takes practice and work. Guidance from others is helpful but ultimately you will have to figure out your own version of success and make strides towards reaching your goals.**

    I’ve been able to break out of my shy guy version and into a more comfortable and confident version of me. If I can do it, so can you!

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