Update: I was able to speak to some more neighbors and made some calls, eventually I was able to speak to her children. Apparently she is staying with her children during winter time so they can take care of her, and she somehow forgot to bring her cat with her. She didn’t tell anyone she is staying with her children so no one knows about it. It seems I was overreacting a little bit, but I’m glad she is ok and that’s all that matters. I want to say thank you to everyone who has been helping in here, it’s much appreciated.


My neighbor is a lovely women in her 80s, she has always been very kind to us.

Recently I noticed the light in her house has been off, and her cat hasn’t been taken care of for days.

She could’ve just gone to somewhere, but I doubt she’d leave her cat alone fending for herself.

I’m a little bit worry something might have happened to her, but at the same time I don’t want to make a fuss about it and ask police to break into her house.

Is there a better way to handle the situation, so I can make sure she is safe without having police involved?

  1. Knock on the door, look in the windows, call the police. Do it now. It could be a very serious situation. If you’re wrong, she will at least know someone is watching out for her which is a good feeling.

  2. Worst that can happen is that she is ok and you have to apologise for worrying too much. Best case is that you could save a life. Call the police if you have a genuine concern.

  3. Yeah, welfare check for sure. If you’re wrong it’s awks, but if you’re right she could be slowly dying alone in a pool of her own urine. I don’t want to sound dramatic but the worst case scenario is fucking bleak.

  4. Call the police for a welfare check, love. It’s clearly playing on your mind. Something’s not right and you’re acting out of good intentions. Even if it turns out she’s fine, you’ll have done nothing wrong. If she isn’t ok you may be a lifeline.

  5. Call the popo, shout through the letterbox, hope you don’t see flies..
    when she answers suggest she share a family phone number

  6. 101 for a welfare check.

    An old man was reported missing where I live and somehow the police never checked his house. He’d been dead for weeks, alone in his flat.

  7. In this cold weather? You definitely need to check on her. Even if she is fine, I’m sure she would understand and be thankful you cared enough to notice.

  8. Can the cat go in and out of her house?

    If so, strap a GoPro to it and put it through the catflap.

    Might need to strap a mini-maglite as well in case it’s dark….for the footage for you..not the cat..

  9. Why are you writing this on here???? Get them rang their is OBVIOUSLY somthing wrong and you NEED to do somthing ASAP you could save her life potentially. If you don’t want to pm me the details and I will

  10. Please call police for a welfare check OP. It’s not even just for the worst case scenario, she could have fallen and be injured. You’re doing the right thing, fingers crossed she has gone to stay with family for Christmas x

  11. You need to call the police immediately. She could have had a fall and is suffering, unable to call out for help. She may have passed away. She might just be out, I hope she is. Forget your feelings about it being awkward, they don’t matter. Calling the police to check on her is the only thing to do.

  12. I don’t think you were over reacting… Your a good neighbour and a good person 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    Kudos to you.

    Now you need to go and buy some cat food 😂😂😂

  13. I dont think you over-reacted. My neighbour in her 70s was dead in her house for a couple of days without anyone noticing. It does happen.

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