How did you afford cosmetic surgery if you’ve had any?

  1. I was a single mom, two kids, head of household filing status, so I would always get a huge tax refund, $5500-$7500. My septorhinoplasty was $7800. I used part of the tax refund to pay for it, got financing, made on-time payments for about a year, then used the next tax refund to finish paying it off.

    Loved my results. No regrets.

  2. Work and save! Overtime if available. It’s easier if you have a $ amount to shoot for. Don’t buy unnecessary crap in the meantime . It sounds cliche but it works

  3. The first one I took out a loan from the bank, and the second one my mum paid for me. Both surgeries were elective, both had functional and cosmetic elements.

  4. Started working for a AAA game studio that has amazing insurance coverage for being transgender. Instead of $35k+, my implants only cost me about $4k out of pocket.

  5. Most people use care credit in the US (if it’s not something you can get insurance to cover).

  6. Don’t have any but I know people who got some done by taking loans (similar to getting a car loan).

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