What big score made you finacially well off?

  1. None. And people who do get big scores usually don’t end up happy.

    The goal should be a slow and steady ramp up.

  2. Fixed and flipped three houses in a row while living in them. Lots of time, sweat, and blood, but I’m way ahead financially.

  3. I won like 800 bucks at a casino one time. allowed me to pay rent and use said planned money to pay off some debts.

  4. Joining the military. Not really a big score but it opened all the doors for my adult life that put me in the position to be where I am today.

  5. I made some pretty good money off ethereum as well as investing in marijuana as soon as it became legal to do so

  6. I made some pretty good money off ethereum as well as investing in mar*juana as soon as it became legal to do so

  7. Getting married. Not only did I marry an amazing woman but, as I found out afterward, she has a trust fund and her parents have been helping her max out her Roth IRA since she was in high school.

    We signed one piece of paper and my net worth more than doubled.

  8. I got a contract about two years after my business started. The people I net worked with helped me get started and keep it running, but it wasn’t a personal income more than a salary position of my profession paid. I get this contract with a large business and it is worth almost as much as my business. Took less than a year for the next one to come in. I can now say my kids don’t need to work. They will. They just don’t need to.

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