I m24 am interested in a girl f22 who has a different personality than most

This is just my experience but i’ve never met girls with a personality like hers. She is really feminine in everything she does, but she has this dominant personality i am not used to but its also super attractive?

For example when i flirt with her, i won’t make her blush because she will double down on that flirting. She’ll make me blush instead. I will try to “”chase”” her and she will just “”chase”” me back.

She is the one who initiated physical touch the first time we met. She is the one who opens up conversations about personal stuff. She isn’t afraid to ask questions that usually are expected to be asked by men.
She makes normal conversations get sexual before i get the chance to.

She is very open about anything related to sex. Honest, super direct and open. Isnt afraid to say what she thinks. Calls me out on anything she doesn’t agree with. Challenges me, even when its playful, she just always teases me.
Its isnt just sexual. Even in normal conversations she eats me up, be it serious or while joking.

We’ve known each other for 3 weeks now, haven’t actually slept with each other yet but we have gotten intimate and she’s also very dominant in that scenario. Just the way she grabs me, kisses and bites me. How she “directs” me. She dominates me in every aspect tbh, then i do the same, and the circle continues. She keeps me on the edge.

But she did say that her biggest kink is to be very submissive and degraded in bed. Which makes sense.

She has stated that she likes me because i am smart and charming. I have game and she finds me interesting. Of course i am happy to hear that and i can see how compatible we are cause she is super strong personality wise and so am i, although i am not at all used to girls like her. Every girl i’ve dated was more stereotypical… in the sense that i would chase and they would be chased. Like those girls and me we were opposites. The girl i am seeing now is the ‘same’ as me.

I am not used to that. Any advice or insight? Has anyone dated a girl like this?

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