There’s this guy I work with who started showing interest in me around this time last year. He asked me out right on Christmas Eve actually. He started touching me on the shoulder and waist after I said “sure” when he asked me if I wanted to hang out sometime. He started asking me for hugs and I asked him “what’s with the hugs?” and he’s like” oh no reason , it’s just Christmas time and people are giving hugs”. I thought it was weird that he started asking for hugs since before he asked me out, he never talked to me ever and he’s been working there for 3 years now I believe. I worked there 4 years. He use to give me dirty looks when we would make eye contact. He would glare at me when our eyes met. I never did anything to him to make him hate me so I didn’t understand why he was rude to me. When I asked him why he would give me those mean glares, he said “ Oh I knew you had hearing loss so I didn’t know what to say to you at the time.” We started hanging out by the dumpsters behind our work building when we would both get off around the same time. He started walking me home. We both live not far from each other. We even held hands a few times when we were walking. He would look me and down at work like he was checking me out. He would lick his lips at me and stick his tongue out at me sexually and he would squeeze my butt at work when he thought no one was looking. He would raise his eyebrows at me and I would feel like I’m getting some attention. He started coming to my house and we would fool around and eventually one day we had sex. He was pushing for sex awhile and I always made an excuse why I didn’t want to do it yet. I was afraid if I just told him I wasn’t ready then he would stop talking to me. After we had sex (twice )he came over to my house a few more times after that but on two occasions I was busy so I couldn’t see him and the last time we hung out was almost 2 weeks ago now. When we hung out last time, there was no arguments or nothing and we have argued before lol but last time things were good I thought. I noticed that after that he hasn’t been making eye contact with me at work. He doesn’t check me out anymore at work and he acts like I don’t exist but he is friendly to everyone else. It’s like he totally lost interest and so I asked him “are we still friends or no? Cause I noticed you don’t even look at me anymore.” He got mad at me and said “I just lost my best friend. I don’t need this right now.” I told him “I’m sorry I didn’t know.” He flirts with this cashier a lot. She has a bunch of tattoos and all the bagger boys like her. He asked her out too and I know this cause she told me. He would draw her flowers too but he never did that with me. I geuss I’m the ugly one. He treats her better than he’s ever treated me. I shouldn’t of let him use me but I geuss I was lonely at the time. I don’t expect a relationship from him but he could at be cordial to me. He hasn’t visited my house in almost 2 weeks. He ignored me today at work too. How do I get him to talk to me again? I want proper closure or something. How do you handle being treated poorly and ignored at work?

  1. I’m really sorry this happened. If it helps, it happens to almost all of us at least once.

    1.) It’s rarely a good idea to date coworkers.

    2.) There are guys out there who are only “dating” to get laid. Based on your description, that’s exactly what this guy did. That’s why it’s more optimal, if you’re looking for a relationship, to wait as long as possible to have sex.

    3.) The way this guy did this, pretty much blackmailing you using your own emotions, is very heavily skating up to the edge of sexual assault. The fact is, it wouldn’t have mattered either way. This guy had an agenda, and he got what he wanted.

  2. Proper closure will be when he comes back and you totally reject him then. But you have to be patient for it to happen and you have to completly ignore him from now on.

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