I’m on a new course and get along pretty well with a girl in my class, sometimes I believe that she wants genuine friendship as she’s asked a few times to hang out outside of class, but it’s always just a passing comment.

I’m starting to become a bit irritated with her texting style. I’m an introvert so I can definitely understand not wanting to reply immediately to messages, but because we are on many shared group chats, it’s obvious that she just ignores my messages specifically.

Like I will have sent her a message hours ago which she hasn’t even opened and as soon as someone messages on a group chat, she replies to them immediately (while still blanking my message).

She also only ever messages me when she wants something, like if she has a question about the class. When the conversation steers beyond what she originally messaged me for, she just ignores me.

How should I approach this? I feel like I’m being used by her for info but maybe others have different insight. Should I take a break from replying to any messages she sends me? Also we are both girls and this is not a romantic thing.

  1. She might just want to be school friends. There’s nothing wrong with that. She might sense you’re not a big party person (or whatever she’s into) and categorize you as her class friend. If you want to try and develop an out of class friendship, take the initiative. Ask her for drinks or coffee or go to an exhibit etc. Then gauge her interest.

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