I’m generally a bit quiet and am prone to being interrupted. Is it rude to keep talking if I have something important to say?

  1. No. Even if it’s not that important, finish your sentence at least. If you always let yourself be interrupted people will always talk over you. Just don’t raise your voice if someone starts talking, that would be rude.

  2. Generally, I think it’s more rude to interrupt someone who doesn’t talk often. I have a colleague I’ve been trying to tell a bit of vital personal information to, but they’re kind of wearing their thoughts on the outside like a speech bubble shield…

  3. the other person is the rude one in that situation. You continuing your sentence is basically you just not caring for their rude action. Plus it will probably make them feel embarrassed because they interrupted you and you didn’t let it stop you, that will probably make them less likely to do it again so they don’t get embarrassed again. So that situation never happens again. Conclusion: No

  4. Generally, it’s rude to interrupt, but it does happen when people are excited or passionate about what they’re saying. If what you’re saying is important, you can say “just a moment” and finish what you were saying. Another, option is to let them interrupt and say, “I want to circle back to what I was saying before…” and then say it. Keep in mind being too rigid about a no interruptions rule might cut off the flow of conversation. However, no one should be making a habit of interrupting you as it’s rude

  5. Nope. Not rude at all. It happened to me several times and first thought it was rude, but it’s them that shouldn’t interrupt you when talking. Just keep speaking and they’ll realize on their own.

  6. depends on the type of interruption.

    if they change a topic, i’ll just go fuck myself. if they have questions – some people are like that.

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