what are your tips for teenage girls with abusive parents?

  1. Oh wow, this one hits home! First, survive, and if the abuse is physical or worse, get out! I also feel that it is ethical to report the parents if the girls are in danger. Please take care, and think of their best interest first. It is taking everything in me not to unload with my own ongoing experiences. Thank you.

  2. Biggest tip- don’t jump into uncertain/unknown circumstances in an effort to get away.

    Example- don’t run away, don’t move in at a young age with an older bf, don’t do anything to jeopardize your future.

    I’m not saying there hasn’t been success with doing those things but bide your time, make good grades, apply for scholarships or try to line up some sort of job. Make your future bright. That way when you can get away you have a stable future planned.

    If you can live with other relatives/friends or get away before turning 18 by all means do it. Just don’t make decisions without thinking them through.

  3. Best tip is to survive.

    I was in this situation and it’s hard but just staying positive as much as possible helps. Also getting a job helps and making your own money will give you some confidence.

    I went through this situation 13 to 18 and it sucks but just gotta find something that you can do to stay away for as long as possible.

  4. Reach out for help. Tell a trusted teacher at school, a friend’s parents, a neighbor. There really are people who can help and resources for you.

  5. I was you once. This is how I survived:

    Leave as soon as you can. Learn to be independent and self reliant. Start therapy early. Learn who you truly are. Don’t have a relationship until you have an understanding of what a healthy one looks like. Get an education. Make your own money. Don’t believe that you’re doomed to have a crappy life as an adult just because you had one growing up. Be angry. Believe you deserve better.

  6. Don’t get into a romantic relationship with the hope that this person can take you away from your circumstances.

  7. I handled my mentally abusive parents by talking back to them, speaking the truth and being straight forward. Dont let them get on your neck unless theres a risk of getting hurt.

  8. Finish your high school education, be involved in school activities (especially if you’re going to college or plan to), get a part time job to start building your finances, and when you go home just go to bed and wake up the next day to start the routine of your day until you have a chance to move out.

    FYI, don’t move out if you’re not able to pay your living and travel expenses yet (to avoid other possibly abusive people when you’re vulnerable). Only move out when you see all the signs that you will safe living with another person, or when you can pay the bills.

  9. Study study study. Work on your plan for higher education now. Speak to your advisors and see what your options are.

    Dont move out w a man if possible, it depends how unbearable the abuse is. You will be in a vulnerable position depending on man with no family to fall back on

    If you must move out try to rent a room w a family or find a female roomate. Being pushed to live with man too early can potentially put you in more abusive situations

    Try and get a job, to have some money. Open your own account if possible

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