What is the worst take you’ve seen in this sub that you didn’t understand why it had alot of upvotes?

  1. A woman saying that women aren’t at fault at anything and it’s all men’s fault everytime

  2. most men in this sub are apologetic slobs, there’s a lot of bad takes regarding health, fitness and overall physical well-being, spend any amount in time in weight/height related threads, or the selfie threads that used to be posted and you’ll quickly realize this sub, or maybe reddit in general primarily caters to ugly men.

    any dating advise needs to be taken with a bag of salt as a result, you’re talking with unattractive men that settle for unattractive women.

  3. There hasn’t been any shortage of ghoulish far right nonsense stewing about since I found this sub

  4. I’ve seen some messed up takes on this sub, but they’re almost always downvoted. Can’t recall something specific that got upvoted. What about you OP?

  5. Any version of “women want sex just as much as men”.

    Either this is completely untrue, or I personally want sex a lot more than other men.

  6. I guess it’s not a “bad take” if everyone here agrees with it, but there was a thread asking if guys still used “gay” generically as a negative descriptor. Most of the comments were along the lines of “yeah, it’s nbd, it’s not like I’m actually referring to gay people when I say something bad is gay, there’s a gay guy in my group of friends who never calls us out when we do it, it’s just people looking to be offended” etc. All multiply upvoted. Kind of surprised me.

  7. I got a couple where I was trying to say something stupid and a few thousand people were like, “Right on, Doe.”

  8. I pretty much disagree with a lot of the rhetoric on here, but I always knew I wasn’t really like many other men anyway.

  9. Lol legit just read it yesterday.

    “I ignore it when people make general assumptions about men being trash or worthless. I know they are not talking about me. If it bothers you, it must be for a reason”

  10. The comments about there being a lack of women to date, and that all women only want ripped “Chad’s” with a six pack and a six figure salary.

    Usually being posted by an unkept 300 pound basement dweller who does the bare minimum in terms of personal hygiene.

  11. “Your mom”, “establish dominance” and gay jokes always gets upvoted here. It was funny first time, but gets old fast.

  12. That men who don’t wanna date women with high body count are insecure cause they are afraid that they will not live up to partner’s past partners.

    Basically a double standard… when a woman express her preference in men people be “you go girl” but when men do it “you are insecure” “what an asshole”

  13. “Online dating favors women.”

    Or dating in general favors women.

    How is that possible. Unless you’re waiting for every girl to ask you out.

  14. A few days ago a lot of people said they’d rather fight a guy with a machine gun than a moose.

    Obviously a moose will fuck you up, but zig zag or climb a tree guys….

  15. Depends on how popular the thread is, but some very juvenile opinions get upvoted here, probably because Reddit’s demographic skews younger.

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