how was your Easter?

  1. It’s today.. But my boyfriend and I gave each other gifts and chocolate a few days early because I’m terrible at waiting for the actual holiday šŸ˜‚

  2. Honestly relieved my family got the flu so that I could stay home eating candy with my dog. She, of course, got an easter egg with different treats and a few meatballs.

  3. I made an Easter basket for my partner and sibling. My mom made me a big basket. It’s been good so far.

  4. Pretty good so far, had a nice breakfast and wrote some things in my Hobonichi planner which always relaxes me.

  5. Good, I’m eating candy while playing video games and watching my little three month old sleep. My wife is on-call this weekend, so we had our dinner on Friday.

  6. Fine so far. I don’t celebrate that particular holiday, but it’s been a lovely day of rest with my partner and kitties.

  7. Weā€™re at universal studios with a big group of friends. Just rode hagrids motorcycle thing which was awesome. Kids are having a great time, and a 10 year old told me I have nice tits. Great day so far

  8. I was up before dawn, now I’m tired and on a train heading to see family for the week.

    At least I get to eat during daylight hours again.

  9. currently at work, but to my surprise, they had some chaplains come in so that was great šŸ™‚ since Iā€™m away from my family, Iā€™ll probably facetime them later

  10. Spent all day fixing shingles then worked for minimum wage and returned someoneā€™s cellphone to them with no thank you

  11. I don’t celebrate. My younger kid is at dad’s house. Older kid, my partner, and I are all doing our individual hobbies.

  12. Good, mostly.

    It is just us (husband, son, dog, me) since our family hostess tested positive for Covid yesterday. So thatā€™s obviously a damper. She seems ok mostly though.

    Son woke up before the birds and pounded out an approximation of ā€œAlleluiaā€ on the piano (weā€™ve been practicing) while eating jellybeans by the handful. I cooked a frittata and we had frittata and bread/jam. Had a small egg hunt.

    We went to church. Came home and immediately the son took off everything except his underwear. I have bread rising and a roast cooking. I think we will go play in the yard and have another egg hunt.

  13. Not much going on today. My brother’s family is coming by for a bit later this afternoon, will be my first chance to meet my niece who was born a couple months ago. My mom is hosting, I’m just helping with the food. Making a batch of hot cross buns. Also strawberry banana bread, but I’m taking that to work tomorrow because it’s going to be a super bad day. Might make some lemon bars or something too, I dunno yet.

  14. Pretty good thus far. Had a nice chat with my best friend, and some amazing hash browns.

  15. Good so far ā˜ŗļø! I saw someone dressed in a giant Easter Bunny costume walking around on the streets handing out candy to kids, and Iā€™m not ashamed to say that I also ran up to the bunny to ask for candy even tho Iā€™m not a kid šŸ˜‚

  16. Nice in tbh beginning, tragic at the end and itā€™s only mid day. Trying to attend a church service with your skeptically and extremely arrogant partner is suffocating.

  17. Caught some frogs (carefully and released them afterwards) fed the ducks, had some chocolate, had a few moments of silent rage over my ex and now I’m making dinner! We’ll go to the park afterwards for a while and I’ll go on the swing until it makes my stomach flipflop lol

  18. Thank you for asking!

    I have rabbits, so we did a cute photoshoot of them, gave them lots of dried fruits (they love dried fruit). We drove around and gave some chocolate eggs to our loved ones (didnā€™t get any back, but thatā€™s ok, our loved ones are less into it) and we had soft boiled eggs and soldiers (strips of toast) for dinner! Now weā€™re getting drunk out of these cute bunny themed cups I picked up!

    Ordinarily Iā€™d have friends over where we blow out the insides of eggs and paint the shells (we give all the egg innards to dog owning friends so the dogs can have some egg), but our house was recently flooded so we couldnā€™t have the party this year. But we still had fun!

  19. My husband went to church this morning; I stayed home. Daughter is coming over and weā€™ll enjoy a nice dinner. I made baskets for both of them. Not really into Easter. Just another Sunday.

  20. I celebrate by spending time with family, but not in any religious way.

    But today, I have to work for the 8th straight day. I get holiday payā€¦but I miss out on spending time with my family. I havenā€™t seen them since Christmas. ā˜¹ļø

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