This may be of help to others as it’s definitely helped me for some time now. A lot of people struggle with the idea of reciprocity with friends, dating and family and that could be you put in more effort than they do, they take longer to respond or don’t at all, for whatever reason, you’re putting in more effort than they are.

You’ll get plenty of links online saying you did such and such wrong, here’s how to make her respond but they’re all wrong. The simplest and easiest answer is to just stop chasing and focus on yourself or somebody else. It sounds so simple because it is. It may hurt in the moment to know that someone isn’t giving you the same energy but as soon as you accept that fact and realise that’s on them, not you, you can quickly move on and be happier for it.

  1. Sounds like something straight out of the book “how to be a 3% man” by Corey Wayne. Literally your advice is some of the best advice you can give someone and apply instantly, yet so few people actually do it.

  2. I love your thoughts on this. I will add to it that the fewer people you’re focused on, the more impact any one person will have on your overall feelings/well being/social life.

    So the more you EXPAND your social life to include more people, more potential friends, more groups, more activities, the less you’ll be reliant on any one interaction.

    Somebody’s not responding to your text? So what! You’re busy doing something with a different group. You might check back in with them next week. Etc.

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