Hi, im wondering how im supposed to talk to my crush for the first time. Is a simple hi, how are u doing acceptable or is it a bit weird considering i havent talked to her before.

  1. Need more details about the where’s and whens. Are u approaching s stranger, workmate or a fellow student? Do you know anything about her to start a conversation? And where are you approaching her? A library? Train station? Cafeteria?

  2. theres no right way to do it. unfortunately you just approach her and use that experience for the better in the future.

  3. Starting with a greeting is acceptable!

    Another option is to find something to compliment them on that you genuinely appreciate. An article of clothing, a belonging of theirs, their appearance (ie. Hair)
    Just to break the ice. You could introduce yourself from there.

    Or, if there’s a common reason that you are there- i.e. school, work or other make a comment on that. Ex. About the lesson/lecture.

  4. Like you talk to any other human being.
    Usually not the same way as boys and guys interact with their buddies but how you interact with your relatives whom you like.
    Dont force it dont try or force yourself to be funny.
    Want nothing but to talk. With “niceguys” their ulterior motives and fake niceness are sensable, so you talk to her just to want to talk and normally. No fuss, no extra meaning.

  5. If it makes u feel better, it’s not uncommon to just randomly just say hi or greet your crush for the first time. Yes timing is right. If she’s talking with her friends maybe not yet. If she’s just on her phone, you can just approach, to ease the awkwardness you can do a lil laugh everytime you say smth. Don’t be scared. Ok

  6. Coming from a girl I think you should make her laugh or compliment her. I just know that when a guy complimented something about me I would think about it for the rest of my day. Keep it simple 🙂

  7. Try some small talk. If you have a class with her, ask her about an assignment and tell her you need help understanding ——. I wouldn’t compliment her on her hair/clothes. That’s just a bit strange coming from a guy. I would focus maybe on a backpack/water bottle or shoes. Nothing that is related to her face/body to keep it on the DL

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