Things such as working out, going for walks, playing guitar etc.

  1. Therapy. I see my therapist twice a year, at this point. Used to be more frequent–had a bad spot in my life about three years ago where we upped it to bi monthly for a bit.

  2. Doing things that scare me.

    I‘ve got a general anxiety disorder and social phobia – So whenever I do something despite being hesitant about it, that’s a step in a right direction.

  3. Working out and fishing. If I have those 2 things, I’m golden. Gym gets rid of stress and frustration etc, fishing relaxes and unwinds me. I like the odd beer too.

  4. Actual Therapy (1x Week for about 9 years and currently, here and there). Boxing. Weights. Climbing. Making Music. Long walks with my headphones in. Long life chats with friends. Me time. Cooking.

  5. Exercise, sleeping on time, drinking water, maintaining good hyigene etc and basically optimising my health on a physical level perfectly gives a huge mental boost. After that I write in my dairy every night, do different type of meditations every night and socialize with people where I am exactly average when I need to and before all of this the most important step is to identify where you want to end up, how to get there, divide that hurculean task into Chuck’s and mean your daily goal. As long as you’re meeting that daily goal you’re good. However there are some things like death of a loved one where I eat 2 peices of chocolate, sit for 15 minutes then go for a run for 40 minutes then immediately lie down with my feet up(resting on something tall) and head down and meditate, generally resets your brain a bit.

  6. Actual therapy + taking time off to take care of me, go hiking, swimming, being around nature, dogs and laughing with friends

  7. Exercise for the most part.

    I get cranky if I go too long without a run or cycle. I start to feel flabby and sluggish too, although I expect that’s a mental hang up rather than physical.

  8. Lay down on the floor dead inside and listen to sad music, then listen to inspirartional music

  9. Gym workouts, escapism through videogames, stoicism audiobooks, taking long walks in nature.

  10. Lately, swimming.

    A new public pool opened nearby, combined with my bus changing schedule I can now make it fit three days a week after work.

  11. Lifting heavy weights or a hard power yoga or hot yoga session. I need to be physically and mentally exhausted afterwards to feel better.

  12. * reading books with positive messages (some exerts from self help books too)
    * short walks on cold nights
    * talking to people i know i can confide in and asking if im going about being human right
    * singing quietly to myself
    * listening to lofi while playing something that involves creating efficiency without a great amount of thought. currently thats satisfactory and winter lofi/chill mix :3

  13. actually having therapy once a week. there are things that i do that help me with my mental health, but actually talking to a therapist really helps me.

  14. A day trip or a whole day where I do what I want. Nothing philosophical about it I just know it’s helping. I’ll go to SF and walk around all day like I live there, go to the beach , go thrifting or antiquing

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