My boyfriend and I have tried to have sex but it always hurts when he tries to go in. It’s too uncomfortable and hurts a lot. It’s not like I am not turned on or that there isn’t enough lubrication either.
How can I avoid this?

  1. Are you relaxed or do you tense up in anticipation of pain? Is he very girthy? Could try gradually building up, they have kits of different size dilators you can get for vaginismus.

  2. Lube and try a small vibrator or dildo to get more used to penetration. It’s a weird feeling at first and it can be scary to push past the initial uncomfortable part. If it still hurts, look into vaginismus. Sex in general should not hurt. If it does, slow down, back up, more foreplay, more touching, more fingers. I’d also recommend trying to orgasm before trying penetration.

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