I’m 22 but I look like I could pass for a freshman in highschool. I’ve done the whole list, I take great care of myself, workout, college, work, yada yada. I should add I have many family members on my moms side that are pushing 50 and 60 but easily can pass for 35-40. So I think a huge contributor to my young looks is my genes.

I’m not having a great time with dating (I have a girlfriend right now but she’s my first) and being taken seriously, and I’m also kinda short.

So I guess my question is, Does it get better into your 20s, 30s and beyond?

  1. Worrying about shit like this gets you wrinkles. Just stay away from drugs and you’ll be fine.

  2. > I should add I have many family members on my moms side that are pushing 50 and 60 but easily can pass for 35-40.

    Answered your own question there bro

  3. In my 40s and got carded for beer in front of my 20 yr old daughter.

    People who had “baby face” jokes are grey and/or bald now. I still have a full head of my natural color hair, no dye.

    A lot of those same people are having knee issues and back problems and range of motion limitations, I’m running mountain marathons.

    Yeah, it’s a little annoying until late 20s to look young, but those genes are probably gonna give you a WAY better quality of life for way longer than anyone poking fun.

  4. Personally I love it. If you’re able to grow one, you can regulate it with a beard. If I let mine grow out I look ten years older. Completely smooth, ten years younger. Two or three day stubble, still a little younger than my age but about perfect. Sidenote, I seem to attract girls on the dating apps about ten years younger as well so it’s not just me but boy did it not do me any favors in high school. (I’m in my 30s btw)

  5. I’m in the same boat, same age even, I hope it does. I’m going to try and get a custom suit made and hopefully that will show my age a bit.

  6. >!I´m on my 30s, sometimes I think is annoying cause very young girls flirt with me and the ones I´m interested don´t believe my age, but clothes and behavior can make you look older too.!<

  7. Yeah!

    I now constantly get hit on by women, in their 20s, 30s and older. I can simply be standing somewhere and some random women would complement me, keep looking at me or simply give me her number.

    Before it was rough, I looked too young and childish even tho I wasn’t small in size. Now I look more mature, rugged and attractive compared to my early 20s. I’m 27 now and I know I’ll look like this for 5-7 more years, it’s a gene in my fathers side.

  8. I’m a 33 year old who looks 22. I’m enjoying it now. It’s fun seeing people’s reactions when they find out I’m older than them.

  9. I was the inverse of this. Had a goatee in 8th grade and had a beard from 10th-12th. Felt really odd interacting with girls my age since I looked like I should have been in college. Honestly (though grass is always greener on the other side) would prefer to be in your boat than the one I’m in.

  10. Babyface and loving it at 40+. Life in general becomes great for men after 30, provided you didn’t screw up in your 20ies.(LPT don’t have kids)

  11. In my family and in my country, apparently fate decided to unite two of the strongest and most long-lived surnames. my dad is almost 60 years old and he looks 40 or 45, I’m 22 and I look 15, obviously this helps you a lot when you’re old, but it’s a bit complicated when you’re young, in my culture young girls want older guys their same age and maybe older than them but who already have an adult body and voice, all those who see me, don’t want anything because they think I’m much younger :,) and there is one last thing I want to say about the difference in culture, I am still surprised with the body of women, especially from the United States or from Europe, they are 18 or 22 and already have the body of a complete woman, here that type of body begins to be seen until around 28 or 30.

  12. I’m 30 and still get checked for ID at casinos and bars. Looking young has helped me hookup with women 21-25 to this day so it’s a good thing when you’re a bit older.

  13. It only sucks when you’re around your age because some people will think you’re a high schooler like you just mentioned, but once you get past late 20s early 30s it’s awesome.

    Also as someone who has tried to look older by unsuccessfully growing a beard etc. Don’t. Instead, embrace your younger appearance. Whenever I tried growing facial hair to look older all I got was compliments from dudes, but I noticed a drop in female attention.

    The only exception would be if you have good facial hair genetics but most of the time guys with genes like us don’t have those. So don’t try to force it.

  14. My dentists complimented me about this the other day, looking younger than my actual age. I’m in my early 30s, I look like I’m in my 20’s. But I actually look younger than guys that are actually in their 20s. But I don’t know what you mean by if it gets any better. I mean I like looking younger but when it comes to dating women my age think I’m younger than them. Other than that there really isn’t anything negative about looking younger.

  15. I am the reverse. I have spent my whole life looking one generation older. When I was 18 thirty year old ladies would constantly chat me up. It didn’t help that I was super mature for my age. At 18 I had a mortgage and was on my way to owning a second home. I say this because I was still emotionally immature. It was a journey and I ended up marrying a lady five years younger than me, we are constantly looked at as I looked twenty years older imho as she has young looking genes.

    So I feel you. I was lucky and my grey hair helped me. Taken a lot more seriously far quicker.

    Embrace it and while people think you will have great 40/50/60 years, I’m afraid by then whoever you are with will be almost certainly looking their age.

    But one things is for sure life is a journey and Father Time doesn’t care what you look like, he just keeps ticking. Enjoy the ride.

  16. Hell, yes. I’m 40 but regularly get mistaken for mid/late 20s. I used to hate looking young and I didnt have much confidence in my teens and 20s. But now my peers are mostly fat and bald I feel like I’ve won the genetic jackpot. Only downside is inability to grow any sort of beard!

  17. I am 25 and often past for 21-23. The ages seem consistent though, so I guess my apparent age is always a couple of years younger.

  18. It’s good bro… I am 37 now and I still get carted.. youth is something a lot of people have to chase.. take care of your body and just roll with it

  19. When I was 20 people thought I was 15. When I was 25 people thought I was 18. I’m 31 now and people usually think I’m in my early to mid 20s. It is what it is I guess.

  20. I’ve been experiencing a long sweet spot where looking younger than my age has me looking like I’m in my prime.

  21. honestly i’m 24 and already seeing people my age starting to look OLD. id rather look full of life than next to death

  22. I always looked young for my age, but it was never a problem. There was nothing to “get better” from. Likely because I was 6’4″ by 18. So even though I looked young, I never looked like a kid.

  23. I’m 32 but people consistently have thought that I’ve looked 6-8 years younger for the last 8 years or so. For me, it means that I’m taking care of myself and am healthier than most people. It’s pretty sweet

  24. I got the same and im 5’10 only. So i can relate. Until i was 22/23 i got asked for id when buy alcohol. (need above 18 in germany) i got told by girl i look younger than i am many times.

    Im now 26 i still get told i look like 24 sometimes but it haas gotten better. I grew a beard, without it i would look like 21 still. Your clothes can make you seem older. By now i dont care at all and i hope when im 40 i still look like 30/35:D

  25. I just turned 32 and still get asked for ID when buying alcohol (the drinking age here is 18) I fucking hated it when I was in my 20’s but now that I’m past 30 and some of the guys my age look like middle aged men, I’m pretty happy that I can still pass for 21.

  26. It’s a blessing and a curse. People generally don’t take you seriously because you look younger. I’m 45 and look maybe 32 depending on how sober I am. When I was 30, I looked like I was 18.

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