What is the dumbest thing you have seen someone complain about?

  1. We live in a walkable neighborhood. We had the in-laws visit. Apparently walking a quarter of a mile is a huge inconvenience and hardship for some people

  2. Yesterday my girlfriend complained that she didn’t want to put socks on, even though she was cold, because her feet were too far away.

  3. “Only” getting offered a full refund on a DOA product, not a full refund + extra for their pain and suffering.

    When I worked in retail some Karen tried to get more than a full refund when she had to return a printer that was DOA. She claimed we owed them an extra $200 to cover her time.

  4. The uneven wear of their socks. You know how after a while you have a few socks that are threadbare but a few others that are practically new. Because somehow they are being worn at different rates/amounts and that forces you to have to start pairing your socks based on how thin and worn they are. And eventually you get fed-up trying to discern which sock is most alike which other. And you then have to walk around all day with two seemingly different socks on your feet and it drives you crazy!

    This may or may not be me. And I know exactly how dumb it sounds.

  5. Once brought a girl to an NBA game (professional basketball). She left at half-time because she didn’t like “squeaking sounds from their sneakers.”

  6. My ability to cook dinner using a pan, cutting board, knife and wooden spatula.

    ” Its bullshit how you make ZERO mess when cooking dinner.”

  7. All first world problems that people complain about are the dumb reasons to complain about.

  8. A ex coworker of mine complained about how his kitchen work station looked like someone droped a bomb on it, it was his mess that he created himself but was complete idiot about it.

    His mindset is that that he is the createst cook the kitchen ever saw and that he has no flaws what so ever while cooking or maintaining his workspace.

  9. The type of windows his parents paid thousands of dollars to have installed in his first house.

  10. I had a friend who was 23 at the time who dated a 19 year old she met at someone’s wedding. She already had a master’s degree at that point and had just started her career, while he had just dropped out of college because he didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life and wanted to work for a bit to figure it out.

    While the 19 year old was a very sweet kid, she complained incessantly about the fact that he wasn’t emotionally in the same space as her 23 year old self. The dude wanted to hang out with his friends on the weekend until 4am, smoke weed, drink, and party, he wasn’t ready to move in and negotiate his personal time with her or bring her around with him to everything, especially because she was older than his friends. It’s extra stupid because it was all things she had done at his age, minus the dropping out portion.

    So yeah, dating young and then being surprised and mad the young person wanted to do young person shit is up there for me.

  11. An only fans producer complaining about men sexualizing her and not seeing who she is on the inside

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