What’s the male equivalent of wearing a guy’s hoodie?

  1. The Mrs has a pair of oversized sweatpants that say bridesmaid in glitter down the one leg. Other than that detail they are dark gray baggy but super comfy and soft and I’m comfortable enough in my manhood to wear them…around the house if all my stuff is dirty.

  2. I only date bigger girls and for me its wearing their shirts. They’re so big n comfy n smell so nice 🥰🥰🥰

  3. Wearing her hair tie as a bracelet, comes in handy when she inevitably needs one. Perhaps the circumstances will be in your favor as well 😉

  4. I use my girl’s “Boss Lady” mug for my morning tea. It’s the biggest mug we have and she never uses it anyway.

  5. Idk I like to put on her shirts and go if I’m fat then you’re fat bc I fit in your clothes. But the shirts are like almost ripping open and my full belly is exposed.

    It’s a clip from family guy that always tickled me but he did it with Stewies clothes. She laughs but then gets angry that I’m stretching her clothes out

  6. Me wrenching my hoodie off her that she’s been sleeping in for a week and actually wearing it myself.

  7. The male equivalent of wearing a hoodie is the experience of losing your hoodie to a person who is wearing it.

  8. My current SO is Korean.

    She has this amazing massage chair she had shipped to the house in the states she inherited from her paternal grandmother.

    If we break up, im keeping that chair.

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