Basically I want to know what other people think. My girlfriend has one piece of jewelry her ex bought her and I don’t like it. Im not 100% sure why I don’t like it, she never wears it and I trust her 100%. I just can’t help but feel like if we’re going to take our relationship further then my discomfort needs to be addressed. Any advice or any ways to bring this up? I don’t think she’s attached to her past in anyway, it’s just something I’d rather she didn’t have because the memories that come with that. Thanks in advance

  1. Something like that wouldn’t bother me at all, on its own. People have pasts you know. You can’t just throw away everything related to another person. I think you just need to get over it, especially since she never wears it.

  2. It’s nothing to worry about your allowed to keep things you were gifted even those your in a new relationship you know a shiny gold necklace is still a shiny gold necklace even those your not with the person that gifted it.

    Your insecurities are showing and it’s something you need to work on fast or you will lose your woman

  3. It’s fucking jewelry dude. It’s not like she’s using a dildo made of his cock.

    Everyone you date, outside of some evangelical child bride has dated someone else. And if you’re going to grow into a decent man, get the fuck over it. Consider finding a therapist

  4. Lmao yo I wish to be a fly on the wall when you bring this up 😂 like how tf do you even start this conversation I’m so interested.

  5. Get over it. It has nothing to do with you. Especially if you’re not buying her expensive jewelry to replace the existing stuff you’re trying to guilt her into getting rid of.

  6. I also have jewelry from ex, my current bf doesnt care. I still wear it because it’s expensive and pretty and I don’t have many jewelry like that. However, if it would bother my bf, i would probably give it away. Also, he could get me another one instead so everyone is happy.
    If it bothers you it bothers you, she should understand it and respect your feelings in my opinion, it’s not good for either of you if you build resentment.

  7. You sound a bit insecure. It’s just a necklace and even you yourself said she’s not attached to her past.

  8. You don’t bring it up. You work on your insecurities and realize that people have pasts. I hope this is fake because if not, that’s controlling af to expect her to get rid of it because you assume it has memories attached to it. Wow.

  9. our insecurities are our responsibility not our partners. stop trying to control your girls memories

  10. I have more than a few things from exes. Some I use, some I don’t (mainly because I couldn’t sell those ones) It means less than nothing

  11. Just tell her it makes you feel uncomfortable… (and why), explain that it’s not because you doubt her or are insecure, but just that you feel she’s not respecting your feelings (or whatever the reason is) when she wears something an ex gave her.


    I’ll also say, some women might do this as a way of manipulating their guy into getting them jewellry… you give her something to replace what she’s wearing and she’ll stop wearing what the ex gave. Just something to keep in mind.

  12. I have a necklace and a ring that I got from an ex and I still wear them on occasion because I like gold. I don’t wear them for any sentimental reasons.

  13. You definitely need to work on your insecurities man. It’s a piece of nice jewelry. Doesn’t really matter where it came from and even if it did, people are allowed to remember their exs. It’s not like that time didn’t happen so just accept the past.

  14. What kind of jewelry is it? Because there’s only one item that would make me super uncomfortable if my partner kept it (unless their ex had passed away) and that would be an engagement ring or wedding ring. Why? That’s a sign they ain’t over their ex. The only exception for those rings are if they are a family hireloom from her family.

    Otherwise stop being territorial dude. It’s not a good look especially if you two only been dating for 6 months. It looks super controlling and would be sending up red flags of I was your partner.
    How I see it. It was a gift to her so it’s hers. I wouldn’t care about the price, the background of the peice or the backstory of her receiving it. Why it’s hers. If she wants to tell you that then that’s up to her.
    So if it’s a ring that’s understandable, if it’s anything else, holly hell get over yourself. Because you didn’t specify what it was, you made it sound like it’s a you problem not a her problem.

  15. Because it’s valuable. That’s like in case of emergency cash to have. Plus he probably got her jewelry that she likes not what he likes that she isn’t wearing. Stop making a big deal about it. Let it go.

  16. I mean the jewelry might worth a fortune for the both of you in the future who knows and she is also respecting you by not wearing it. I don’t see the problem. Don’t overthink and end a beautiful relationship that you have.

  17. She is inconsiderate of your feelings and therefore has little commitment to you. Proceed with caution.

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