Context: I never dated before, I have social anxiety (doing therapy), I have a hard time communicating, and I’m definitely touch depraved. I had two dates with this girl, the first time I reached out, the second time she did. However, I think I’m doing a pretty shit job, honestly, I’m completely clueless… The first date was fine I guess, I got a hug by the end, but she hugged me before in other occasions. The second time was honestly kinda terrible, pretty awkward, I fumbled it completely, she did most of the talking, and I did not get a hug by the end.

I think I should have told her my intentions, but at the same time I fell it’s too early to ask her to be my girlfriend, so how can I proceed? I don’t want to be a friend, but I did not do anything to move out of that direction.

Now I really don’t know what to do, it’s been three days and I had no contact since… I want to invite her on a third date, would it be weird to just ask her out like that instead of having some random conversation before? Is it too early and I’m just overcomplicating things?

Also the second date I mentioned was supposed to be drinks over her place, but she wasn’t in the mood for that after Brazil lost the world cup, how can I come back to that without sounding desperate or weird?

Being 100% honest I don’t know if I’m really attracted to her… I kinda want to ghost her and crawl back to my isolated safe zone until she reachs out or forgets about me, I guess my main attraction to her steems from her having showed to be interested in me more than anything… I’m so confused and I feel so bad… give me some directions please!

  1. I was in the same situation. Haven’t dated in a long time, been seeing a girl recently. Went on two dates, felt like I should have made a move at the end of the second. I kicked myself for a while. After a few days, I finally worked up the nerve to ask her out again. She took FOREVER to respond (only like 2 hours lol) and the whole time I was thinking “She probably doesn’t want anything to do with me, I’ve been ghosted, etc….”

    She said yes!

    Moral of the story, don’t let you fear and insecurity control you. If she says no, move on to the next girl. Your skills will get better with more experience. Get the fuck out there and make it happen.

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